
My Steve Not Eve

Esther_Laryea_3606 · 都市
15 Chs



I got home a little early in time to see Alex pulling up the driveway to my house. I got out from the cab after throwing some bills at the driver then sprinting towards the house.

"Alex wait!"

I called to her but she ignored me and went inside. I followed her to her room but she locked the door before I could enter. I knocked and banged furiously at the door but she wouldn't open it. That was the state Joy came to find me in.

"Carl what's happening?"

"She's locked herself inside and doesn't want to open it."

"Step aside Carl."

"No. She has to answer me. She's my sister"

"Carl step aside or I can't help you."

I gave way for her and sat down on the ground. I watched as Joy knocked on the door and coaxed Alex before she opened it. I stood up quickly and tried to go to her but Joy stopped me.

"We all have to sit down and talk. Now"

We all went to the living room and sat on the couch but Alex didn't sit beside me. I was hurt she didn't want to sit beside me.

"So what's the matter between you two. You guys have been like cats and dogs. What's going on?"

"Ask Carl. He's the one causing everything"

"Alex look don't blame me for everything. I didn't mean what I said"

"But you thought it. You didn't mean it but you thought it so its the same thing."

"I'm sitting right here and you guys are still quarrelling. I might be a woman now but doesn't mean I can't knock sense into your heads. Start talking."

I quivered at Joy's words cause they were true. Now I dread the fact that she'll find out I'm dating Dan. I took in a deep breath and turned to Alex.

"Alex. I'm very sorry for what I said please forgive me"

"I already did baby bear. I understand you. I know you panicked. You didn't want me to find out like that."

"Find out what? What's he hiding?"

"Carl is dating Dan."

"I'm sorry Joy I didn't mean to hide it....."

"Oh that issue. I thought the world was going to end in a matter of seconds."

"No I.....wait. You knew?"

"Yeah. I told Alex about it. Thought I wouldn't know?"

"How did you.....?"

"It's simple baby bear you've been happy a lot lately. Too happy to be precise."

"Was it too obvious?"

"Of course. We warned you to not go out with him. Above all not have feelings for him. You haven't fallen for him yet right?"

"I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know Carl. He's not good news. You don't know anything about him."

"He's an editor. And he's good at it."

"He told you that and you believed him?"

"Yes Alex. He's told me everything about himself."

"He hasn't done any of that. Carl listen I'm your elder sister. I'm more experienced in relationships than you"

"I'm sorry Alex but your experience with relationships are not what I'll rely on right now"

"Carl take that back now! She's your sister. You can't talk to her like that."

"But she's disrespecting my decision. I'm old enough to choose who I want to be with. And I want to be with him."

"You don't know what you're saying Carl. You're new to all this. Why don't you take your time and understand the situation. You have to listen to me....."

"I'm done listening to you Alex. I'm done. This is my life and I know how to handle it. I'm a grown man okay. I'm not a kid anymore."

"Carl. I just want what's best for you. I'm not a monster. I just want you to be fine."

"I'm fine with Dan. Can't you see that?"

"He's just using you. You don't know him. He's a bad influence. You're too..."

"Innocent? Naive? A child?"

"The both of you should stop this now. What's gotten into you two? You never fight like this."

"That's because she doesn't want to give me my freedom."

"Carl. She's your elder sister. She wants the best for you."

"I'm leaving. I think that's for the best. I'll leave you alone Carl. I hope you're okay after this."

"You're not going anywhere Alex"

Joy tried talking to her but she run up the stairs to her room. I just stood there staring at where she stood and her words keep playing in my head.

"Carl what have you done?"

"I've done..... I don't know. Joy what did I do?"

"You've messed up. Really bad this time. Stop her before she does something crazy."

"She won't let me be with Dan."

"She's your sister."

"Dan's my boyfriend."

"Are you hearing yourself right now? Your sister is up there doing God knows what and here you are defending a guy you met a month ago."

"I.....I.....I don't care."

"Fine have it your way. Just know that you'll regret this"

She also left me and I sat on the couch and started crying. I felt bad for saying those words to her but I wanted to protect Dan. I wanted her to see him how I did but she didn't. I don't want her to leave. I got up and went to her room and knocked the door. I didn't get a response but I opened it anyway. I saw her sitting on her bed staring at the wall.


I called but got no response. I sat beside her and placed her hand in mine.

"I'm not leaving you Carl. Not yet."

"Thank you Alex. I promise I'll....."

"I don't need your promises Carl. I'm staying yes but not for you."

"What....I understand"

"We never fought what happened to us?"

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean a word I said."

"You did. You told me I'm not giving you freedom. You can go ahead and date Dan. I don't care anymore"


I don't why I was crying. I hurt so hard and now she doesn't want to see me. She doesn't want to be near me.

"Alex please."

"Get a grip Carl you're an adult not a kid. Go live your life. Don't come crying when he hurts you."

"Alex. Don't kick me out. I need you. Please"

"Go have fun with your boyfriend CARL!"

I flinched when she shouted at me. I got up slowly and left the room and went to mine. I picked my phone and called a number.

"Carl. What happened?"

"Eve can you come pick me up. I can't stay here anymore"

"Okay. I'm on my way."

She ended the call and I laid on my bed crying my eyes out. I wanted to turn back the clock but it already happened. I hated my self very much for this and I'm now running away.