
My Steve Not Eve

Esther_Laryea_3606 · Urban
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15 Chs



I got to Eve's place a little earlier because I want her to inspire me. I made her a special character in my book so talking to her alone was an inspiration for my book. I got to her place and knocked on her door. She answered it quickly and I was dragged inside. It was actually shocking cause she never did that.

"Eve? What's going on?"

"Dan was being followed by the press this morning."

"What?! Really?"

"He told me to make sure you're safe. He doesn't want you to be in trouble"

"Is he here?"

"He will be here soon."

As soon as she said this the door opened and Dan came in.

"Speak of the devil. Took you long enough to get here."

"Its not my fault Eve. Carl,babe are you okay? I hope the press didn't bother you?"

"No I'm fine Dan. Its just that I was worried about you"

"I'm fine."

He kissed me on the forehead and hugged me. I hugged him back squeezing him too. I didn't want him to be entangled in my mess. I remembered the talk I had with Collins and my heart skipped a beat.


"Yes cutie?"

"Can we talk?"

"Oh yeah. Eve can you please excuse us"

"Whatever lovebirds. I'm going out anyway."

"Thank you."

"Don't mention it."

She took her keys and left the house leaving only I and Dan in the house. Dan led me to the couch and sat me down. He went to the kitchen and got me a glass of water. I drunk it before he sat down.

"What did you want to talk about cutie?"

"About us."

"What about us?"

"Do you ever feel like I don't have time for you?"

"Why do you say that?"

"Well I met someone today. We talked a bit and he started talking about his relationship."

"Okay? What has it got to do with us?"

"I don't want that to happen to us. I really like you a lot and I don't want you to feel that way."

"Hey. Its okay. We won't be like that. We would try to work it out. I know I don't have much time because of my work. I promise you I'll try to make time for you."

"Thank you. By the way what work do you do? You realise we've been together and I don't know what you do?"

"Oh.....I'm.....erm.....I.....am a video editor."

"Oh. Then why did you stutter?"

"Its nothing. It just came as a surprise to me."

"Did you think I'll look down on you when I know?"

"Yeah. I thought you wouldn't want to hang out with me."

"Oh Dan. I started moving with you without knowing anything about you. Didn't that count?"

"It does doesn't it? But do you know why I fell for you?"


"You're such a cutie. You're also amazing in every way. Getting to know you is making me fall for you even more. I'm happy you accepted to be my boyfriend."

"I'm happy to. Knowing you is good but I don't think our feelings match. I like you and I want to know you more to see where this leads us to."

"Okay. I won't rush you. I'll wait even if its a thousand years."

I smiled at my boyfriend and pecked him on the lips.

"Thank you Dan."

He hugged me making me melt in his embrace. I never wanted to leave this or him ever. He's just perfect for me in every way. I know nothing can go wrong in this.


I heard the voice of my sister and immediately broke away from Dan. He too was startled hearing Alex's voice.

"Alex I told you not to come here. Oh shit!"

"What's going on here Carl?"

"I can explain Alex. Its not what you think okay."

"I asked Carl not you Dan. Carl. What's going on here?"

"Alex don't be mad...."

"Shut up Eve please. I'm talking to my brother. I want to hear it from him"

"I'm dating Dan."

I answered her and she was fuming with so much anger I thought she would explode.

"For how long? For how long have you been dating him Carl?"

"Three weeks. Close to a month."

"Eve you knew about this? You didn't tell me about this."

"Carl didn't want you to be mad Alex"

"Oh really. Carl you're ending things with him now."

"You can't be serious Alex."

"Oh yes I can mister. I'm not sitting back and watch you pollute my brother's mind. I know your kind very well. You lure and devour and I'm not letting you near my brother again. Not even you Eve."

"Alex. I like him. He didn't convince me to date him. I accepted because..."

"You're naive Carl. You've never dated before, never kissed, never gone out and also never had sex. All of a sudden you want to go into bed with a stranger?"

"That was your life too wasn't it Alex. At least I didn't go to low to cheat on him."

I don't know why that came out and but it did. Alex also did not take it lightly and I slap landed on my face. I looked at Alex who had anger written all over her face.

"You don't get to talk to me like that. You never get to talk to me like that ever. Are you really telling me that? After all I went through for you. You're sick."

"Alex he didn't mean that...it was just the heat of the moment. Carl,baby apologize to your sister"

"Don't act like an angel Dan. He said those things because of you. I'm not even surprised. I'll leave and don't come running to me if he hurts you."

"Alex wait. I'm sorry...."

I got up to follow her but she sat on her bike and rode off. I took out my phone and called Joy. She picked up after the first ring.

"Hey Carl. What's up?

" Joy. Alex wants to leave. "

"What happened?"

"We had an argument and it didn't end well."

"Okay. Where are you?"

"I'm at Eve's. Okay"

"Okay. See you at home"

She ended the call and turned to look at Dan and Eve.

"Go Carl. Just go."

I hugged him before running out the house to chase after my sister.