
My Stepsister Is My Mate

From the very beginning, Rufus Carter was in love with Leanor Ford. At the age of seventeen, Rufus was already known for his towering height, costly lifestyle, and aloof attitude. Unfortunately, Rufus was left motherless at an early age, and this year, his father decided to remarry, making Leanor's mother his new stepmother. As if fate wanted to play a twisted game, Rufus turned eighteen and found out that Leanor was his mate - adding a new level of complexity to their already complicated situation. The fact that his stepsister was his mate left Rufus stunned.

favy_writes8 · ファンタジー
16 Chs

Episode 11

Leanor led Alice to the back of the academy, where they both leaned against the twisted wall of the corridor, catching their breath.

" Why did you drag me down, Leanor? If you don't stand up for yourself, they will keep coming at you." Alice said, her voice filled with wrathfulness.

Leanor took a moment to catch her breath before responding," I understand what you are saying, but I do not want you to defend me always. I do not want you to get into trouble because of me. You understand, right?"

" I am your friend, Leanor. How can I not help you?" Alice seized Leanor's shoulders and looked into her eyes. Leanor returned Alice's gaze , her eyes filled with deep gratefulness. " Just because you are my friend does not mean I can let you get into trouble."

Alice soughed, succumbing,

" Fine! But do not take it too seriously. Those people are all terrible, do not pay attention to them."

Leanor smiled, comforted." Do not worry, I will not take it serious."

Alice felt relieved. " let's go back."

" I want to stay here for a while," Leanor replied.

" Are you sure?" Alice looked at Leanor, considering her request.

"Okay." She nodded and left first.

Now, Leanor was alone. She let out a shriek and lay down on the grass, her eyes fixed on the sky above.


Suddenly, a voice startled Leanor, causing her to jump up in fear.

As she regained her composure, Leanor took a deep breath and spoke slowly, "Are you following me now?"

"Following you? No!" Rufus sighed and sat down beside Leanor.

"Why didn't you tell anyone that you haven't sensed your wolf power yet?" Rufus asked.

"It's none of your business! Just because I have not sensed my wolf power does not mean I will not have a wolf. I am only 16, which means I still have time before my 18th birthday to sense it," Leanor replied, her tone filled with frustration.

" Okay," Rufus said, trying to calm the situation.

" Okay? You don't think I am weak because I might not have a wolf?" Leanor looked at Rufus, her frustration apparent.

" Oh, Leni, you are not weak. Just because you can not sense your wolf power does not mean you never will. And you do not need a wolf to see how strong you are," Rufus replied, surprising Leanor.

Leanor was taken suddenly by Rufus' response, her surprise growing indeed more.

She sluggishly uttered," Do not say another word," before resting her head on Rufus' shoulder.

Rufus, on the other hand, was greatly surprised by her action. He glanced at her and smiled.

As they both sat there, Leanor could not help but wonder about their surroundings. It was a vast breadth of white, devoid of any signs of life or sound.

The silence and emptiness sounded creepy and unsettling.

Suddenly, a figure surfaced from the white mist in the distance.

Leanor squinted her eyes and realized it was Rufus. He was walking towards her with a smile on his face.

" Rufus? How did we end up here?"

Leanor asked, her surprise growing as the figure approached her.

She could not believe it. The last thing she remembered was resting her head on Rufus' shoulder.

It should not be possible for them to be here.

" Leanor, I have been searching for you. Come with me," Rufus said vocally, gently taking Leanor's hand and leading her down.

Confused, Leanor bombarded Rufus with questions.

"Why are you looking for me? Where are we? Where are we going?"

still, Rufus remained silent, showing no intention of stopping or answering her questions.

Uncertain, Leanor hesitated in her steps. Something felt off as she looked at Rufus' back. Acting on her instincts, she grabbed him and turned him around.

To her astonishment, the face that greeted her was not Rufus', but Violet Parker's! Violet stared at Leanor with wide eyes, a predatory gleam in her gaze.

Shocked, Leanor incontinently pulled her hand down and took a many way back. Violet, still, refused to let her go and forcefully grasped her wrist.

" How could it be you?" Leanor blatted, fear coursing through her.

In a matter of moments, Rufus had converted into Violet. Leanor's heart could not bear the unforeseen shift. She desperately tried to shake off Violet's grip, but her sweats proved futile.

"Rufus is mine, and he'll always be mine," Violet said with an evil smile before delivering a heavy blow to Leanor's nose.