
My Seven Beautiful Sins!

Once upon a time, there was an adventurer whose dreams were coveted by innumerable men, yet only a select few could turn them into reality. With a smile, he inquired, ''If I am compelled to make a selection, wouldn't it be wise to opt for the finest ones?'' Indeed, a man of culture. Embark on a thrilling journey alongside Adonis as he traverses the realms, accumulating riches and captivating the hearts of extraordinary women. The women he would later call his sins. °°° Tags: Harem, Action/Adventure, Smut Scenes a lot,Romance,No Ntr,No Rape,No Yuri! Alternative Title: A Man's Fantasy °°° More votes more daily chapters will be released and even bonus chapters.

Nickaido · ファンタジー
83 Chs

Mission Completed

Before Adonis gambled on the Crimson Stamina Caps, a flicker of pragmatism sparked in his mind. He uncorked the small vial tucked away in his pouch, the last dregs of a precious Mana Recovery Potion swirling within. As he tipped the vial back, a sweet, tingling sensation spread through his body, a welcome wave of rejuvenation washing over him. With each passing moment, he felt his mana pool replenishing, the sluggishness replaced by a familiar hum of power.

''I love this feeling!"

Now, with a full mana reserve at his disposal, the Crimson Stamina Caps became a calculated choice, not a desperate gamble. He carefully inspected the vibrant mushroom, its pulsating crimson glow a constant reminder of its potential power. This wasn't a time for recklessness. These mushrooms were meant to be a temporary boost, a last resort to tip the scales in his favor.

Thirty to forty minutes, that's what the old herbalism text mentioned. Enough time for a burst of enhanced speed, heightened senses, and increased strength. But anything beyond that, and the side effects loomed large – a churning stomach, sluggish movements, a splitting headache. He grimaced at the thought. Moderation was key.


With a decisive nod, Adonis slipped the Crimson Stamina Cap into his pouch. He wouldn't use it lightly, only when necessary.

An hour of relentless tracking had passed. The oppressive silence of the forest floor was occasionally broken by the snap of a twig or the rustle of unseen creatures. Adonis, ever vigilant, followed the faint trails left by the goblins, his senses attuned to the whispers of the forest. Finally, his patience paid off.

A small, moss-covered cavern came into view, nestled amongst the gnarled roots of a particularly ancient tree. Two goblins lounged at the entrance, their guttural laughter echoing through the silent woods. A flicker of annoyance crossed Adonis's face. Two goblins. This might be their den, and with any luck, the rest of their pack wouldn't be too far behind.

"Probably not a full twenty," he murmured, more to himself than anything. He needed to formulate a plan, and quickly. His eyes darted between the two goblins and the cavern entrance, his mind racing with possibilities. Suddenly, a mischievous glint sparked in his eyes. A single Crimson Stamina Cap, a carefully timed attack, and perhaps, this little cavern held the key to completing his D-rank test.

With a deep breath, Adonis reached into his pouch, retrieving the pulsating red mushroom. He popped it into his mouth, the bitter taste flooding his senses before a warm surge coursed through his body. His senses sharpened, and the forest sounds amplified. He felt lighter, faster, almost unnaturally energized. A wry smile touched his lips – this was the edge he needed. The goblins, oblivious to the danger lurking in the shadows, would soon learn the perils of underestimating a mage with a well-timed boost and a cunning plan.

With a practiced flick of his wrist, he unleashed a salvo of Rain of Ice Spears. The air shimmered as the magic solidified, and the deadly shards of ice arced silently towards the unsuspecting goblins guarding the entrance.

Swish! Swish!


A startled yelp cut short as one goblin was struck down, his form crumpling to the forest floor. The other roared in surprise, but before he could react, another shard found its mark, freezing him solid in a tabltowardfear.

Adonis didn't waste a moment. The Crimson Stamina Cap offered a temporary edge, and he needed to make it count. He moved with a preternatural speed, his boots barely brushing the forest floor as he sprinted towards the cavern entrance. Every details of the surroundings – the uneven ground, the gnarled roots, the hidden crevices – seemed magnified, a sensory map guiding his path.

Reaching the cavern entrance, he peered into the gaping darkness. A faint orange glow emanated from within, illuminating a wider space teeming with goblins. Fourteen of them, by his count, huddled around a flickering fire, their throaty laughter a stark contrast to the tense silence that had gripped him moments before.

This was it. The heart of the goblin den. Adonis wouldn't waste his newfound advantage on a drawn-out magical assault. He needed precision, efficiency. With a silent command, his ice magic surged through his veins. The air around his blade crackled with frosty energy, and his trusty sword shimmered as it became encased in a layer of translucent ice. An Ice Sword, honed by his magic and ready to unleash its fury.

With a silent battle cry to motivate himself, Adonis charged into the fray. The goblins, caught off guard by the sudden appearance of a glowing, ice-wielding warrior, scrambled for their crude weapons. But Adonis was too fast. His Ice Sword, propelled by his enhanced strength, sliced through the air, sending goblins flying with sickening crunches.


Those who managed to keep their distance weren't safe either. With flicks of his wrist, he launched miniature icicles – deadly shards of ice that found their mark with deadly accuracy.

Swish! Swish! Pu! Pu!

The cavern erupted in chaos. The goblins, disoriented by the rapid assault and the biting cold of Adonis's magic, were no match for his newfound prowess. His movements were a blur, his senses a finely tuned instrument guiding every attack. The cavern floor became a slippery mess as ice shards shattered, and the air grew thick with the stench of fear and the metallic tang of blood.

But the effects of the Crimson Stamina Cap wouldn't last forever. Adonis knew he had to end this quickly, decisively. With a surge of power, he conjured a swirling vortex of ice shards, a miniature blizzard that ripped through the remaining goblins, their panicked shrieks swallowed by the icy fury.

The cavern fell silent. The flickering fire cast an eerie glow on the scene – a tableau of frozen goblins, some mid-scream, some slumped over in defeat. It was a white canvas.

''Huff! Huff!"

Adonis stood amidst the carnage, his chest heaving, his Ice Sword dripping with melted ice. The effects of the mushroom were wearing off, leaving a dull ache in his muscles and a lingering tiredness.

He had done it. He had conquered the outer edge of Forest of Whispers, outwitted the goblins, and emerged victorious. This D-rank test wasn't easy, it was a test forged in the crucible of battle and cunning, the Mission was complete. As he looked upon the frozen carnage, a wave of satisfaction washed over him.

''Beautiful if I may say.''

He had proven his mettle, his ability to adapt and overcome, this is enough for D-rank. But this was just the beginning. The path of a mage, the path of adventurer, much like the forest itself, held countless secrets waiting to be unveiled. And Adonis, with his newfound confidence and a head full of lessons learned, was eager to explore them all.

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