
Chapter 979: From Grass To Sand

"Be safe, alright? The Sultanate is-"

"Alamar, they have someone who used to not only live there, but used to be in concession for the throne of the Sultanate. I don't think you need to give them warnings."

Mom smiled kindly at the older Elf, who paused for a moment before chuckling as he replied "Ah yes, that is indeed correct! My apologies, Begum. It's just... the Sultanate is certainly far more dangerous than the Empire is in the average area..."

He rubbed his jaw and gave Anput a small smile, only to nod as she replied "And whilst you view that as a negative, I find that to be a brilliant part of the Sultanate's charm. It's an area that weeds out the weak and enables the strong, and to me that is the greatest possible society that I can think of. However, I will admit I am biased simply because I am apart of the 'strong' and not the weak, and such a society benefits me more."