
Chapter 929: Cleanse the Unclean

Summoning yet another cloud of contained blizzard orbiting around a sphere of ice, I shot the Fiend once more and turned my focus down onto the battle happening in front of me for just a moment, wanting to ensure that everyone else was handling this horde of Undead well enough without my direct support.

The slow, resilient Undead stumbled forwards and clumsily swung or bit at the Demons, only to reel back as a wave of flames crashed down over them, their flesh bubbling and contracting on their skeleton as they began to combust, only to continue walking forwards anyways as they tried to claw and snap at the Demons once more.

Only when their Cores were broken did they finally become truly dead, and that required the targeting of those organs that lay deep inside the various monster's bodies, but it was no difficult task for the seasoned warriors around us, least of all those that fought with brute strength and simply cleaved through their opponents in one or two blows.