
Chapter 917: Dinner Time

"So how'd it go? Was your wand worth the material cost, or is it a flop?"

Belian glanced at Anput and I as we entered the camp once more, the older Demon lounging on a chair that he had made for himself that allowed him to look over the entire camp and assume an important looking position despite not doing much at all currently.

"It went better than expected honestly. I had low expectations for just how much of an improvement there would be with the addition of a focus, but it actually provided a sizable increase to my mana's potency... though perhaps I simply am far too much of a 'purist' when it comes to mana, since I thought the same with Magic Pens... It would seem that I need to start viewing things more neutrally instead of dismissing them right off the bat without any evidence..."

"Yes... who would have thought being unbiased might just yield some intriguing results to things? That is an impressive logical feat right there, Kat... impressive indeed..."