
Chapter 826: Aiding Custodia (2)

Besides our patrols that went out twice a day for two hours each, there was other things that needed to get done inside the city as well, things that took up a good amount of time and were just as important.

Anput was aided by a few of the Demons and two humans at the forge, which we moved to a nearby building so that they would have more space and be far enough away from us that the hammering was no longer an issue.

They were working on forging an arsenal of weaponry to arm the populace as well as getting some tools together to help in other everyday tasks, like axes, hammers, chisels and pickaxes, all of which was set aside on racks for general storage.

Leone and Ammit worked together to brew as much as they possibly could with the ingredients we had available, concocting vats of potions from very little that would help keep the people healthy and able bodied.