
Chapter 819: Downtime (4)

Leone PoV

"That was... very much needed~! Thank you so~ so much, Leone..."

My cheeks darkened as I looked up at my blue skinned lover, her satisfied expression and warm amethyst eyes making me shiver slightly as I watched her clean herself off before pulling up her pants, signaling the end of our fun times for right now.

And considering the scorching heat that was permeating my insides currently, that was likely for the best as I began to clean myself off as well, all while she watched me with an amused smirk from above.

"Now, since we've gotten that out of our systems, let's get back to surveying this... fine city, shall we?"

Helping me up, Jahi gave me a playful pat just below my waist before pulling me into her side, leading me out of the building and taking a deep breath of the non sex filled air as we resumed our tour of Custodia.

"It really isn't a bad city though, Jahi. Just... damaged."