
Chapter 818: Downtime (3)

During my contemplations on just what would encompass something that I lusted after - and contemplating just how deep my lust might need to be to further unlock my ability to utilize said lust in a corporeal form - someone approached me, casting a slight shadow over my notebook and causing me to look up at whom it might be.

To my surprise, standing in front of me was a small, wiry young girl with long, curly brown hair and bit amber eyes, which were currently drifting from my face towards my ears as she looked at me, all while she tried to gather her courage up to speak to me.

Seeing that, I smiled gently and asked "How can I help you, little miss~?", which made those amber eyes widen just a tad more before her pale cheeks reddened, though instead of becoming so shy that she ran away or remained quiet, the little girl instead pointed towards my head, her curiosity too strong.

"W-Why do you have doggy ears on your head? Don't you have normal ears, like these?"