
Chapter 808: Midnight Hunt

"Now, what exactly is the reason we're sitting in the middle of a forest at such a late time right now? Instead of... oh I don't know, finding ourselves a nice, comfortable building and having sex until the sun comes up?"

Giving Jahi a dry stare, I rolled my eyes and gestured towards the moonlit forest around us, the trees canopy thin enough to allow the moons light through but thick enough to provide shelter for animals, meaning...

"We're here to find some more food. For us, for the Demons, and for the humans. I... might not like most of them, sure, but I don't want to eat them out of house and home. Especially not the children; they've yet to do anything that deserves the life they've currently been forced to live. They might have gone hungry before, but they shouldn't go hungry now. Besides..."