
Chapter 768: Fortification (2)

"Anput, thicken this wall here by another foot."

Tapping the rock wall, I glanced at my mate and watched as the lithe olive skinned Jackalkin stomped over to me, her pout reminding me of a child's as she placed her hands on the wall and imbued it with her magic, grumbling quietly to herself the entire time.

"'Thicken this wall', 'Make this one taller'... 'Hey Anput, we need a wall here'..!"

Letting her grumble in peace, I swiftly scaled the building beside us and looked out over the city, taking in the concentric rings that protected the city center, where we had built our base of operations; really, we just had a few rudimentary tents set up for now, with all of us focusing instead on fortifying the area.