
Chapter 747: Introspective

Kat PoV

Standing beside the carriages, I looked at Jahi before turning my gaze back towards the other carriage that would accompany us, its occupants standing together and nodding as they listened to their respective Clan Heads, accepting their orders and warnings with equal attention.

My eyes lingered on the cocky, disrespectful red skinned Demoness who I felt like deserved to have more done to her than just a singular beating, hence why I threatened to permanently ruin her hand yesterday should she make another move on Jahi.

I disliked her very much, and yet now Jahi seemingly was covering for her... though I knew in my soul that I was being illogical towards her; it was just... the first time that I saw someone actively going after Jahi in such an open and uncaring manner for the rest of us, disregarding us three fiancees and trying to snatch our wife right in front of us.