
Chapter 713: Heavy Handed*

Watching as Leone swung her hips like her life depended on it was far too sexy, and my cock throbbed angrily as the buxom Princess slapped her hips into the curvy Dogkin's ass, their soft bodies making the most wondrous sounds as they made love together, while the sight was so very titillating that I couldn't help but pause and simply watch.

Anput was left forgotten at the bottom of the pile, though the Jackalkin was in her own state of euphoria as she knotted Kat the entire time, who was going in and out of awareness as her mate poured a bucketload of semen into her womb whilst her Vampire lover hammered her cock into her ass.

Viewing all three of them having sex was amazing, my cock getting harder than before as I just sat back for a moment and watched, stroking myself and enjoying the beauty of my three women experiencing such love for one another as they copulated, even if they were having such wondrous sex without me.