
Chapter 645: A New Class (3)

"Ungrida... the home of Earth Attuned Materials that we could really make use of for our armors, right? A nice place to get what we need and practice against enemies that have a more defensive preference, as well as the variety of enemies that will be lurking deep inside the Canyon. Then there's the happenings at that Barony with the Cult of Ambition. I have to say that I am entirely in favor of butchering those idiots before heading off to Ungrida Canyon for what we need. If that's fine with the three of you?"

I nodded, as did Anput and Leone, the three of us giving our agreement to the Demoness who turned back to the Empress, saying "Then we'll go with both Nirinia and those two guards. Should be quick and easy, and if a Fiend does show up... well, perhaps I can seriously wound them, if not scare it away. These guards are decently strong, right?"

""We would like to assume so, Lady Asmodia.""