
Chapter 620: Infiltration (3)

Cali's whisper floated into my ears as we made our way even deeper into the Manor, the Arch Fiend half hissing, half growling as she muttered "It reeks of dry ambition in here... the stench is coming from that furthest room there, down the last hall... Such an unpleasant scent..."

Tapping the Wisp's shoulder, I gestured towards the furthest hall and whispered to them silently, a small tunnel of wind connecting my lips to their ear as I whispered "Cali said the furthest room has the strongest Fiendish scent; most likely Vitra's room."

The Wisp nodded, continuing down the hall and keeping an eye and an ear out for the guards or servants that were still roaming about at this late hour, though we were thankful so far to have not encountered any of them.