
Chapter 617: Practice Run

Taking a deep breath, I surveyed the building across the street and located an entrance, before turning and giving the Wisp beside me a nod as I whispered "So you want me to go in, retrieve something of value, come back out and hand it to you? Isn't that both risky and incredibly illegal? What if the owner is looking for that thing?"

The Wisp just stared blankly at me for a few moments, eventually asking "You were the one to suggest a trial like this. Don't tell me you're getting cold feet? You suggested the trial and the eventual incursion into the Vulpine Manor, which is far more illegal to breach than some strangers home. Besides, we do know a thing or two about the city, and this house is owned by someone who is treading that thin line between being a citizen and being a criminal. Don't worry about them, and just find something that looks important."