
Chapter 616: Upon Layers

The murmuring and quiet sobbing of the crowd further muffled our conversation, the Boarkin hastily whispering his answers to me as I asked question after question, growing somber faster and faster as the severity of this cult's plans - the outline of them, anyways - were beginning to come together.

However, two minutes isn't a lot of time, and when I heard the sound of metal boots tapping against the wooden floorboards, I couldn't help but sigh as I muttered "Speak about any of this to them, and I'll come find you and make you wish you'd never been born. Got that?"

The Boarkin nodded, his entire body oozing fear as he felt the dagger in my hand prick his lower body, while my grin remained as sharp as ever, promising many things to this man before I stood up and wiped my expression clean, turning and stepping aside for the Foxkin guard.