
Chapter 598: No Rest For Us

"Of course, I am NOT sending you there alone. Chordeva, if you would like to accompany them, that'd be excellent, but if not then I was going to send Sker and some of my own Guard along, as well as Arch Mage Kolia. Since we don't know the extent of danger that this Vitra poses, nor the extent of danger that whoever or whatever is controlling her poses, I am not taking any chances."

The Marquess sighed softly as she tapped her fork against her plate, glancing over towards the Countess and towards Mother for a moment before looking towards Jahi.

"I'll go. She's my brat, after all. Besides, I don't have the best feeling in regards to the Renacla's, and I don't care to leave things up to fate. Though, I really would love to have a nice, long break right about now..."