
Chapter 578: Nothing Ever Goes Right...

For some odd reason, sometimes things just couldn't go smoothly despite the entire day having been as smooth as silk, with no hiccups or bumps in the road as we hunted down the monsters we needed and harvested the resources that Anput wanted.

We had everything packed up and slung over our shoulders as we prepared to move out towards the entrance of the Cavern, which was located past that long obsidian riverbed flooded with Ash Ghouls.

Everything about what we were about to do was simple and would just take around twenty to thirty minutes to complete, since we needed to traverse a large expanse of land with heavy materials strapped to ourselves, but it was supposed to be easy...

Again though, life decided that not everything would be simple and easy, and as we were making our way through the Plains of Yama with our haul of resources Anput and I glanced at one another, our ears twitching as we heard something peculiar.