
Chapter 535: Farming

I had to roll my eyes at the Demoness' words, which had earned a snicker from both Anput and Nirinia, the two women enjoying Jahi's little innuendo as we all turned to focus on the horde once more.

Her idea wasn't wrong though, and I wasn't going to say no to some good old fashioned Xp farming against these easy monsters and undead, especially not after I got such an abundant amount earlier today; two whole levels plus some extra was certainly worth being here for a little longer, and considering the increase in strength of the enemies, I was likely earning more experience now per kill then I was earlier, which meant the numbers would be much larger at the end of this battle.

It was slightly mindless how we were slaughtering these hordes of monsters and undead, with the occasional moment where the elites pushed forwards through the sea of bodies and managed to get close to us, only to be cut down by our combined attacks as we remained inside our formation.