
Chapter 509: Fruits Of Our Labor (3)

"Open it, open it~!"

Seeing Anput grinning so proudly at us both as she stood in front of us made Leone and I chuckle, the Jackalkin looking more like a child showing off her work to her parents then anything else at this moment.

Even her tail was wagging cutely behind her, and it just reminded me that this was what made me find this woman so damn attractive; this efficient, blunt single-mindedness that pushed her forwards at all times, not allowing her to do anything in half measures.

She did something to the best of her abilities and was proud of it, and when that was paired with her devotion and loyalty towards us, her lovers, well, it was a damn beautiful thing to behold.

Looking towards Leone, I nodded and had her go first, the Vampire gently lifting the dark blue cloth and flipping it back, revealing the weapon that laid beneath.