
Chapter 471: Puppy One

Anput PoV

I rolled my eyes as I watched Jahi flirt with Leone, the two lost in their own world of pink roses as Jahi kissed the Vampire Princess' wrist, before trailing her lips up towards her cheek - all while Leone was melting beneath her, swooning quietly as she blushed and playfully swatted Jahi's arm, enjoying her attention and affection.

Personally, I could never understand the whole courtship thing that the Empire had, the cultural difference one that never truly 'clicked' for me - even when I tried to shift my personality a bit to conform to this places norms for the one I loved, hoping it would secure my spot even further...

Looking back, the moment Jahi robbed me of my virginity was the moment that I was guaranteed that spot, as the political discourse that would have overtaken the Sultanate and Empire would not have been worth the single session of sex between us.