
Chapter 457: Importance of Fundamentals

Leone PoV

I frowned as I stared at the complex structure of runes before me, shining crimson inside the Sanctum.

Standing in front of me was Mom, her head tilted slightly as she watched me attempt to decipher the mass of runes she had assembled in the air, with Aunt Igna, Aunt Theresa, and Mother watching from the side, each one curious to see if I could manage to understand the spell - one of Mom's own creation.

My fingers flew around as I reconstructed parts of her Ritual Circle, trying to locate the basics of the spell so that I could get a grasp for what it was meant to do - in specifics, as just staring at the spell let me understand how devastating its power was.

Some of the runes I had never seen before, their origin unknown, and I could only groan as I realized that each part that I had designated as its individual parts all had those runes, further shrouding it in complexity.