
Chapter 440: Training Begins (2)

A few of the other Knights gathered alongside the Marquess, quietly speaking to one another before splitting back off into groups as they moved in to try and take down Lady Fenryas.

The results were... varying.

A Monkeykin woman slammed her bo staff down towards the Demon Wolf's skull, only to grunt as she received a swift kick to her abs and was sent flying back a few dozen feet.

Stabbing a spear forwards was a Lizardkin man, his tail whipping around to try and sweep her off her feet and into the waiting path of the spear, but instead Lady Fenyras stepped on his tail and pinned him there, before her scythe slammed into his side and sent him flying as well.

With some audible cracking noises coming from his ribs, which made him hiss in pain.

An Arachne shot some webs at Lady Fenryas before closing the gap and using both her front, purple carapaced legs and her dual scimitars to slash and stab at the woman, who briefly struggled with the webbing.