
Chapter 437: Back at the Palace

Kat PoV

The carriage ride over to the capital was rather quick, and we spent the entire ride conversing about what flaws were in desperate need of attention and the best ways to theoretically go about them, be it physical or arcane flaws.

Of course, it was mainly Leone supplying the arcane theory, as my grasp on that complicated field of study had waned over the time spent away, and she had even taken a moment to inform us of her learning about other forms of magics, like Blood, Moon, and Glass.

All of that was really interesting, and I desperately wanted to sink my teeth into understanding those new fields of magic, to figure out how they worked and what I could possibly do with them; from the sounds of it, they were their own 'elements', which suggested I could, maybe, learn about a 'Cold Magic' to further enhance my Ice Magic.

Or, you know, become a Blood Magic wielder as well.

That was always a perfectly valid option in and of itself.