
Chapter 404: Burial City Khanla

Kat PoV

The Burial City Khanla was situated on the same step of the Steppes as I was, and the path that led to it was a rather somber road.

Grasses and vegetation in general had been cut away from the gravel path, and every fifty feet sat a set of statues that were left on the side of the road, their bases engraved with epitaph that told of the person the statue was dedicated to.

The carved stone was pristine despite the conditions, thanks to the various runes that were hidden amongst the buried persons likeness.

Each statue was of that person kneeling and facing towards the city Khanla, in a posture of reverence and subservience to those buried inside the city itself.

The epitaphs read of their service to their Masters, Mistresses, Generals, Ministers, or Kings and Queens, listing off their achievements and how they would still serve even in death.