
Chapter 324: Mammoth Hunt (1)

Kat PoV

Departing from Scythiara was a mixture of sad and relieving.

Saying goodbye to Oya, Poepa, and Quarta forever was sad; these last two days spent with them has been really fun and enjoyable, and I likened them to siblings I never had.

Oya's maturity and seriousness was tempered by her sisters playfulness and mischievousness, and they made me wonder about the siblings that I was due to have when Mother gave birth in a few months time.

That was a thought that made my sadness grow, forcing me to wonder about how she was taking my disappearance once again, and how that was affecting her body.

However, that was also why I was relieved that we were departing; I wanted to begin my journey back home in earnest, and now that we were going to leave Scythiara behind I could do so.