
Chapter 288: Raid (2)

Jahi PoV

Cleansing the blood from my blade, I briefly wondered what Kat would have felt if she was given free rein to 'hunt' inside this house...

Would she have turned this into a game to strike fear into the hearts of the Sariel's inside?

Hunting them one by one, picking them off and never letting them know who was doing it?

Or would she have taken a straightforward route of butchering the Elves at her discretion, leaving piles of bodies in her wake, each one more horrific than the last?

With that thought on my mind, I glanced down at my now clean blade, the giant hunk of dual metal killing edge spotless after a quick flare of my Light Magic.

One thing that I was sure of, was that she wouldn't bother cleaning herself nor her blades for this entire raid.

Chuckling softly to myself, I took a deep breath and began to investigate the hallway I found myself in, opening the various doors and searching the rooms for anything noteworthy.