
Chapter 287: Perilous Path

Kat PoV

Unaware that a wondrous bloodbath was happening in my name back home, I continued to lug my two ice boxes down into the stone pillar forest, the snow covered ground proving to be rather annoying to trudge through.

My leather pants and boots were utterly soaked, though after a few moments I cloaked myself in a thin sheen of ice and removed the moisture, deciding this small expenditure of mana was worth it.

The animals that wandered around the floor of this gorgeous landscape all avoided me, leaving a wide berth as they observed me from afar before returning to their previous hunts or migrations.

None stood out to me as monsters or unique animals; the wildlife was primarily wolves, leopards, rabbits, deer, and a few other smaller animals, all of which avoided me completely, either because they were afraid or they didn't wish to upset this new 'predator' that was walking around.