
Chapter 269: Broken Down Gate

Kat PoV

Jahi met Matilda in the center of the field, the two women's blades clattering together as they launched their first blows, the arrogant smirks and derisive sneers now gone.

In their place were serious, focused expressions, the two women realizing that the warrior opposite them was a challenge.

There would be no easy victory here, no quick battle fought; no, there would be a long, drawn out exchange of blows to decide the victor.

To decide who lived, and who died.

The Banshee made sure to remain close to its Mistress, but it turned to focus on the soldiers around the two women, keeping the ring around them unsullied by lesser fighters.

More and more soldiers surged over the tower, and Leone and I needed to turn our attention to this new surge of enemies, to make sure they were contained and killed as efficiently as possible.