
Chapter 266: The Real Assault Begins

"Looks like they won't be coming for a few more minutes now, so make sure your getting a little rest..."

Everyone nodded, and I instantly sat down and leaned my back against the parapet, closing my eyes as I began to try and suck some more mana from the air around us.

Sadly, since the plains we were residing on were sweltering hot and barely had any wind, not even a breeze, my mana regeneration was rather low, and the pros were heavily outweighed by the cons of creating my own artificial environment at the moment.

Retrieving the last of that focus potion, I swallowed down the tangy liquid before storing the vial away, only to open my eyes as I felt someone slide down to the ground beside me.

Jahi smiled down at me as she placed her hand on my head, ruffling my ears for a moment before pulling me closer to her side.

Snuggling against her armor, I sighed as her sweet scent washed over me, soothing my headache in an instant.