
Chapter 233: Three and Four

Anput PoV

"She's all yours now puppy~!"

Jahi smirked down at me with not even a bead of sweat trickling down her brow, her pale blue skin still as smooth and unchanged as before.

It was almost like she hadn't just sparred against a skilled sword master, but instead she had taken a leisurely stroll around the grounds.

Smiling up at her, I nodded as I stepped forwards, excitement coursing through my veins.

Getting to fight someone new, someone who could at least keep pace with Jahi in the beginning, was going to be quite fun, and my blood rushed at the thought.

I craved the dance of death that was swordplay, the thrill of displaying your superiority through brutally efficient stabs and cuts, perfecting your technique against a worthy opponent.

That was what I lived for.