
Chapter 222: From the Heart (Extra)


Had a headache today, so here; can't write too well lol, dunno if I'll get anything else out today.


Ria PoV

Getting up from my seat, I rolled out my aching shoulders before glancing over at the empty desk, sighing.

Where the hell was she..?

Moving over to the desk, I stared down at the empty chair with complicated feelings; I was happy for the break, but annoyed and worried that she was gone.

Ever since Jahi left, Chordeva and I had been much, much more active; both of us wanted another child, and while Julie having twins was something that overjoyed both of us...

I myself wanted another child; to raise a son or daughter that didn't need to worry about being a fighter or killer.

When I had been given the choice as a young girl about who I was to marry, I had chose House Asmodia with that in mind, but still...

Knowing my daughter would have to risk her life and stain her hands with blood...