
Chapter 153: Banquet (1)

Stepping into the elaborate carriage that awaited us, Jahi knocked on the wall three times, letting the Banshee know that we were ready to go.

Feeling the carriage start moving down the paved road, a silence descended inside the room, with each person staring down at the floor, their faces serious.

Taking in each one, I smiled gently as I observed each ones appearance, nodding at my splendid work.

Feeling my gaze, Jahi looked up towards me, her amethyst eyes meeting mine as she gave me a small smile, before sighing.

"This is going to be an annoying day..."

Leone nodded, a tight frown on her face as she muttered "Jillian is going to try something."

Anput leaned back into her seat, wearing a confident grin as she said "We'll deal with it as it comes... together. Besides, there's little this Elf can do at such a public venue. If anything, this 'attack' on us will remain as just verbal."