
Chapter 1230: The Labyrinthian

"You hear stories about a place that shower it in grandeur unparalleled by anything this world has to offer, shaping your expectations of said place to be so far above what reality can provide that there is nothing left but disappointment whenever you finally get to witness that place... that place being the Labyrinthian, I suppose."

Jahi crossed her arms and looked up at the gigantic mountain path that we were standing in, before she turned back towards us and swept her gaze over the vastness of the entirely new world we were standing at the edge of, clearly not sharing similar feelings to the rest of us.

To a certain degree she was correct; this had been a location showered in so much unrealistic expectations that there was simply no way it could ever reach that same hype, and yet understanding that the fictitious ideations were, in fact, fictitious was part of what made it so fascinating to finally see it for yourself.