
Chapter 1181: Cleansing Filth

Jahi PoV

The Fiend in front of me was an assault on the senses as it released a burp that sent a wave of noxious green gas towards me, attempting to corrode my armor and burn my flesh with that acidic concoction it had bubbling inside of its gut.

The durability of a Nua Fiend was something that was hard to truly believe until you were fighting one, and after I cut its arm off and sliced open its fat stomach - a mistake if only because the fluids trapped inside of its organs were even more disgusting than the slimy, pus covered flesh I was already having the 'privilege' of witnessing up close.

My opponent simply let out a giant burp to push me back before using its mana to reattach its arm like it was nothing, while that giant gash in its belly was left untouched as it instead just reached in and grabbed a handful of its intestines to wring out over its blistered lips, drinking down its own fluids.