
Chapter 115: The Morning After

Kat PoV

As had become my routine, I awoke early in the day, except...

Looking around, I was slightly confused at the room I was in, until I felt that now familiar softness of Leone laying beside me, her face paler than normal as she smiled contentedly in her sleep.

Considering the large bulge in the sheet, it seemed that our resident Vampire was dreaming about our ride last night, making me chuckle.

Getting up carefully, I made sure Leone was undisturbed as I stumbled out into the hall, my legs still slightly weak.

Pressing a hand to my stomach, I continuously channeled a healing spell into my body, easing the aches and pains I felt as I slowly made my way towards the bathroom.

Entering my room, I saw Jahi and Anput laying on the bed, the Jackalkin also asleep as Jahi gently stared down at her, brushing any loose strands of hair out of the sleeping woman's face.