
Chapter 1126: Play To Your Strengths

"Well don't you look dashing, Kat~!"

Jahi wore a slightly strained smile as she looked me up and down, the Demoness accepting my hand and giving me a spin as she took in my dolled up appearance, her amethyst eyes slowly tracing the curves of my body while her emotions tried to hide away from me behind a forced smile.

Since the Sultana's information was about a merchant hosting a lavish party where these Fingers would be mingling around - and where all their information was stored away somewhere inside of the building - the decision had been made that my best course of action was direct infiltration.

Put on some light makeup that someone had procured for this very event, don the flattering but still conservative dress that hugged my finger in the right spots whilst concealing most of my skin, and for me to alter my personality to a more friendly and open one.