
Chapter 1125: Multi Pronged Assault

Leone's answer was as certain as it could possibly be as she nodded and said "I could think of nothing better than that, Sultana.", earning a deep nod from the lithe Jackalkin and a myriad of smiles and smirks from the Death Jackals around us - at least those that weren't wearing figurative or literal masks.

"Good! Well, the plan is a simple one; this base here is out in the open, and I want to hit it hard and fast. Faster than they can react, and fast enough to ensure the other two don't know what happened before it's too late. Something explosive... and something that I know you're capable of, Princess.

The other two though are tougher nuts to crack, and they're both closer together than that third one; that first one is on the outskirts of the city, in the slums, so I'm not too worried about collateral. Shouldn't be any anyways since the place is a harbor of 'illegal' trade and dealings..."