
Chapter 1110: Attempting To Tame Lust

"I... I... I would..."

The Dogkin was swallowing hard as she stared at Jahi with a primal need, her eyes - despite being cloudy and unfocused - seeing only the Demoness as I played around with her desires, giving her a taste of what I felt as we both stared at the Demoness and only the Demoness.

Those obvious muscles hidden beneath her leather and chainmail armor, the strikingly handsome visage that was given a darker, more intimidating beauty thanks to the gold tipped ram horns that curled around her head.

How her lips pressed into a thin line, or those brilliant amethyst eyes that threatened to bore a hole right through us as she turned back towards me, the warning not at all lost as we both listened to the Dogkin in my embrace sputter out her answer.