
My SI Stash #20 - Sound Of Heroes by BANIX (My Hero Academia)

-SI as Nejire's Cousin. Author took inspiration from Hamatora's powers for his MC's quirk~ Yui Paring

Sypnosis: I have no clue what I had gotten myself into when I decided to be a hero. I don't even know if I even like the sound of being a hero. All I know is that I want to make the most out of my second life in a world I barely had any knowledge about. (Reincarnated OC)

Rated: M

Words: 46K

Posted on: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13435926/1/Sound-of-Heroes (BANIX)

PS: If you're not able to copy/paste the link, you have everything in here to find it, by simply searching the author and the story title. It sucks that you can't copy links on mobile (*´ー`*)

-I'll be putting the chapter ones of all the fanfics mentioned, to give you guys a sample if you wan't more please do go to the website and support the author! (And maybe even convince them to start uploading chapters in here as well!)

Chapter 1

I will go straight to the point.

One, I have been reincarnated.

Two, this is the world of My Hero Academia.

Three, my new identity here is now Onpa Hibiki.

And I don't know what to expect in the future.

This is a world where having superpowers is normal. This is a world which is supposed to be fiction.

This is a world where I only bothered to browsed through only the first arc or two in my previous life before I dropped it. I have close to no idea what will happen in the future.

Should I be a hero?

In all fairness, my second life isn't that bad. I have a loving family, complete with loving parents, a doting older brother, and a cute younger sister. I am the middle child, not that I minded much about the problems that comes with being a middle child.

And our family is freaking loaded, which is a plus.

The Onpa family which I now belong to owns a huge network of businesses and corporations that mainly deals with anything related to audio electronics. Speakers, earpieces, headphones, as long as it has anything to do with sound, you can be sure that our family is involved in it one way or another.

Not gonna lie, it feels good to be a part of a rich family. I have it a lot easier than most.

I can choose the easy way out. Be the good boy that I am, do well in my studies, help run the family business and be filthy rich and subsequently comfortably set for life.

The drawback? That kind of life is definitely a life that is going to be boring as hell.

My older brother, Hideo, used to be a hero for a short while before he was forced to retire. He is older than me by a good 15 years (I'm thinking that my birth was seriously an accident due to a lack of protection). My brother didn't go into the specifics when I asked, but I knew enough to know that his spine had been injured on a mission gone wrong and that it is too dangerous for him to continue to be a hero with that kind of permanent injury. My brother then chose to retire and help my parents run the family business. He is most likely going to be the one to take over the family business.

My younger sister, Hoshi, is a cute two-year-old girl that follows me everywhere. My parents and older brother are often not at home during the day, so it is up to me and the servants to care for her and keep her company. We all love her to bits.

I am a five-year-old boy that had just awoken his quirk. A five-year-old boy with the soul of an adult, but I don't think anyone is interested in that. People would be more interested in what my quirk is.

It is Sound Wave Manipulation, but my family and I call it Sound Wave for short.

I guess it makes sense for me to have such a quirk considering the family I was born into. My family has been in the audio business for generations. My father has a quirk that allows him to change his voice into any sound he wants. My mother has a mutant type quirk that gives her bat wings and bat ears. My brother has a quirk that allows him to use his voice to lull people to sleep. It came as no surprise that his hero name used to be 'Jigglypuff' (Yes, the Pokemon franchise is a thing here). My sister is still too young for her quirk to manifest, but we have no doubt that it will be related to sound one way or another.

I laughed at my brother's alias for a good whole 15 minutes when I first learnt about it.

I guess my quirk is a lot more versatile when compared to my family. I don't just manipulate sound itself. I can manipulate sound waves to do all sort of different things. I can utilise echolocation like my mother can. I can amplify and reduce sounds at a whim. I can change the frequency, pitch, timbre, pressure, or whatever factors that affects sound itself with enough training.

I am only five this year.

I know sonic weapons are a thing. I am a living sonic weapon if I ever chose to use my quirk for less than stellar purposes. And ain't that a scary thought? Such powers held in the hands of a child that cannot tell right from wrong at this age?

Tells you a lot about the danger lurking about in the society we live in.

I have very limited knowledge of canon but if what I suspect is right, my current age range is very close to the canon characters, close enough for me to get dragged into the shitstorm of a mess that is canon should I ever decide to be a hero in U.A. High.

Should I become one? Do I even want to become one?

I don't know, but I sure as hell don't want to live a boring life. Especially so when I have been fortunate enough to be given a second chance.

So, I decide to take the option that can give me a little more excitement.

I don't think there is a point in trying to stick to canon since heck, most of my knowledge of it is non-existent. I will just do whatever I want.

Hopefully, people that shouldn't die won't die from my appearance in this world.

Not like I would know since I have so little knowledge about canon anyway.

Elementary school sucks.

I hate studying.

I hate being stuck with noisy brats.

I hate being stuck with noisy brats that just won't stop harping my ears off and trying to be friends with me simply because I am an Onpa.

My family is just that famous and influential.

Problem is, one characteristic of my quirk is that I have superhuman hearing. My ears are extremely sensitive to noise, to the point that I have to constantly wear ear mufflers tailored to my specific needs at all times. Even then, it does not guarantee that my ears will always be protected. Without the mufflers, everything is a loud mess that hurts my head to the point I will just curl up on the floor and scream from the pain. I can somewhat control the explosion of audio input to an extent, but I am not that proficient in controlling my quirk yet.

My mufflers definitely do not protect me from a hoard of screaming banshees known as elementary school children.

It's not like these children want to befriend me out of the goodness of their hearts. Either their parents told them to, or they did it to be with the 'cool' kids in class in order to elevate their 'status'.

Just let me out of here.

It came as no surprise that I chose to be a quiet person in school. As much as I want to tell these children to fuck off, I do have an image to uphold since I am an Onpa. So, all I can do is to plaster a polite smile on my face, give some subtle or maybe not so subtle hints for them to leave me alone and please stop screaming like banshees, and then cross my fingers and hope for the best.

And when the recess bell rings, I would always be the first to disappear before anyone can rope me into any of their stupid childish activities in order for them to "get to know Hibiki-sama better".

God, how did my older brother survive his elementary school days?

I don't want to be swamped by people who sees me as nothing more but the son of my father. I just want my temporary peace and quiet. Hence, I never once visited the cafeteria to buy and eat my meals. I always pack my meals which my mother prepares for me and then eat it quietly on the rooftops, enjoying the temporary silence.

Obviously, the rooftops are out of bounds to all students. Then again, it is precisely because of that which made the rooftops my sanctuary. No one will think of looking for me here, and I am good enough in lockpicking to enter and exit the rooftops without anyone the wiser. Seriously, they should change the lock that gave people access to the rooftops if they really want to keep people out of it. That lock belonged to the museum.

It was also on the rooftops that I would meet the person who would eventually be a very large part of my (second) life, even if I didn't know it at that time.

She is a girl with fair skin and cerulean eyes. Her black hair is styled in a bob that reach her shoulders. Looking back, I don't think I ever saw her in a different hairstyle before.

I still remembered quietly picking the lock as usual and after a soft click that signalled my successful lockpicking, I silently slipped to the rooftops to enjoy my half an hour of peace and quiet before lessons resume again. I closed the metal door behind me gently, turned around, only to find that my favourite spot was already occupied.

We simply stared at each other.

She just stared at me and made no moves to talk, and after approximately five seconds of silence on both our parts, I chose to ignore her and chose another corner for myself instead. If she left me alone, I would leave her alone too.

At least she's quiet. I just want my peace and quiet. If she can give me that, she is more than welcome to stay.

I saw her again during recess the next day, and the day after next, and the day after that. I keep seeing her at the same spot at the same time for the whole of the next week. We never talked to each other, merely gave each other discreet glances when we thought the other wasn't looking. She would always arrive first and be the first among us to leave. I would always arrive second and left after she had exited the rooftops, leaving me to lock the rooftop access so that no one would find out about our secret spot.

It was when the second week came around that she made the first move.


I remembered nearly choking on the onigiri that my mother had made from me when I first heard her voice. If it wasn't for my superhuman hearing, I might have missed it. Her voice was just that soft.

I also remembered thinking that her voice was nice. That was my very first impression of her voice.


I remembered turning my head to look at her. By then, we had gotten comfortable enough to sit somewhat close enough to each other so that we can both look over the view of the city from the school's rooftops. It is a stark contrast from how we would sit at opposite corners when we first met each other.

"Kodai Yui. That's my name."

She didn't look at me. Her face was determinedly facing straight ahead but her eyes glancing in the opposite direction from where I was sitting beside her. She seemed tense for some reason.

And I felt kinda bad for making her feel that way. Am I a very intimidating person?

"…Hibiki. Onpa Hibiki. Just call me by my first name, or call me Biki. That works too."

I have no idea why I offered her the choice to use the nickname that I only allow my family to call me by. I think it was because I felt bad that I made a child not even ten years of age afraid of me for reasons unknown.

I can see her twiddling her fingers nervously and I remembered scolding myself. I am an adult, at least mentally, and I don't even know how to deal with a child that I somehow made her feel a great sense of unease.

"Can we… be friends?"

The way she said 'friends' was of such uncertainty that I am certain that she thought I would undoubtedly reject her offer.

And I really felt like a piece of shit for making her feel that way. It wasn't my intention.

"As long as you don't act like those banshees in our school, then okay."

The way her face brightened up slightly made me realised that she is not one to readily show her emotions. She was obviously trying very hard to control her excitement.

I decided that since she had taken the initiative to speak to me, I should take the initiative to close the distance. It is only right.

So, I moved myself closer to her, and I can see how she practically buzzed with excitement at the thought of having a new friend even if she is doing a great job of hiding it.

"So… uh… what class are you from?"


Now I felt really bad. She is from my class and yet I don't recognise her at all.

Yui's personality can be summarised in two words. Namely, 'silent' and 'expressionless'. She does have her quirky sides that makes her, her. It wasn't long before we started to open up and share more about ourselves. By the time we had known each other for a month, I had found out that her favourite food is tomatoes, and she has a habit of saying "Mm!" whenever she's happy.

She showed me her quirk, Size. She can alter the size of objects she interacts with by pressing five of her fingertips together. I had a great sense of déjà vu when I first saw it, because it looks extremely familiar to the point that I am wondering if Yui is a canon character.

I couldn't remember if there was such a character in canon.

I told her that I wanted to be a hero because I don't want to lead a boring life. She told me that being a hero is her dream too.

When our seats in class were finally shuffled, I took this chance to do some secret meddling on my part that made us desk mates. This arrangement is a relief for my ears. My previous desk mates talked non-stop and it was really grating on my sensitive ears. I know Yui won't hurt my ears since she is so quiet.

Yui and I are somehow able to communicate with minimal words, which, hey, I am totally cool with it. We are the loners that prefer to sit at the back of the class and pray that the spotlight don't fall on us. I know Yui is fine in being in the spotlight, she's just not as expressive as your average Joe. I may be quiet in school, but that is what I chose to portray myself as in school. My behaviour at home is an entirely different story. I have no problems being the goofy son and brother if it means bringing smiles to my family. I am forever grateful to them for loving me, even if there will always be a nagging thought that I am a body snatcher and not their real son.

I don't care. I will be the best son and brother to my family.

The chatty and goofy side of me is only reserved for my family. In school, I am the polite and quiet Onpa heir with a ton of fanboys and fangirls that fawn over me for the wrong reasons.

People soon noticed the closeness between Yui and I, and there were some who gave her flak for it. I dealt with the situation promptly through polite but thinly veiled threats. There are pros in being the most popular guy in school simply because you are the son of one of the most affluent families in Japan.

Yui sees me as Hibiki, me for who I am. In this day and age where our society is polluted with materialism, the quiet girl is more than what I could ever ask for in a friend.

Yui made schooling bearable, and it wasn't long before we became inseparable. We often go and left school together. Both our houses are within walking distance from the school and our city is relatively safer as compared to most. Even my paranoid parents felt assured enough in our city's security to let me walk to school and back by myself.

Naturally, Yui and I visited each other's houses enough times to the point that we both know each other's family extremely well. I often brought my sister, Hoshi, along as well whenever I visit her house since I know Hoshi can be extremely bored playing by herself. Yui is also very fond of Hoshi, so that is a plus.

My childhood wasn't exciting, but it was pleasant.

As with all childhoods, time passed in the blink of an eye. Yui and I did extremely well in our leaving examinations and we both decide to enrol in the same Junior High school.

Our end goal is to make the cut to be enrolled in U.A. High after completing Junior High. For that end, we trained relentlessly.

I don't know where this life will take me. Still, I'm glad that I have people in this world who are important to me and who love me for who I am. Even if it's just one person, I'm glad that I had made a friend. I'm glad that I had made a true friend that sees me for who I truly am.

My name is Onpa Hibiki, and this is the start of my story to be a hero.

AN: I really shouldn't be writing any new stories, especially when my finals are near. I want to blame the good BnHA fanfics that I had read for this but I know it is not anybody's fault but my own. In any case, I really need to get this plot bunny out of my mind before I can really concentrate on my studies or it will be stuck there until something is done about it.

The last time I read the manga was like two or so years ago. I don't even remember most of the characters' names other than the few which keeps popping up in BnHA fanfics and even then I am too lazy to check one by one to match the names with a face. If I got some facts wrong, well, just accept it as an AU and move on.

This fic will most likely have very slow updates, seeing as the only reason why it is here is because I just really want to get this out of my mind.

In any case, hope you enjoy the stories

Follow me on twitter/euwleague~ @N177013

(Suggest me new fics, anime, manga)


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