
Thanks For Save Us, By Your Own Way: /

How lily get to the camp

The young guard standard is silent after Oliver requests. That request was to take them to the camp to help them.

That guard was the newest one in the camp that joined the royal guard before that mission directly.

He had not so much experience with how to deal with those issues, or how to deal with strangers!

He looked down to Oliver who was covered with mud and his deadly girlfriend. No doubt they looked messy and pathetic.

"ooooh , ok," the young guard said with a very deep breath as he resisted.

Both men carried the deadly body of lily to the camp.

It was not an easy way even though they were two men.

At the entrance to the camp another guard saw them

"what a hall, !" the oldest guard said

The youngest guard felt confused about the expiration on the fact that his older collie wasn't good.

"There were two villagers who were embedded in the mud near the water stream, they needed help," the young guard said and he was really scared.

The older guard pulled the young guard's arm away, with a very hard strong hand as he arrested him, away enough that Oliver couldn't hear them.

"Are you crazy or something like that! You bring two villagers to the royal camp!" the oldest guard said. He was lighting/scolding him.

"They were in trouble, and I think that…" the youngest guard justified his point of view.

"Damn your point of view! Are you telling me that you have a point of view, hah, "you thank!" you have no right to think or to have appoint of view! You have to opiate the orders," the older guard said.

The young guard was looking at the ground like a kid in school being scolded.

He didn't feel from his own point of view that he'd made a mistake, but all the older guard's reactions tell him that in a disaster he was not just making a mistake.

"When your leader asks you to get water from the nearby water stream, YOU have to get water, only water, not water and two damn villagers!!" the oldest guard said.

Only seconds passed in silence.

"Leave these scumbags here and go give water to the other guards. You're gonna be here as a servant not as a guard," The older guard said he was angry.

He still had human feelings. He didn't kick them out; he left them in their place on the ground; that was all he could do.

That time that they took during that discussion was a precious time for Lily's life.

During that time when the stupid young guard was lost in the forest looking for water.

He missed the turbulence between the other guard and the villager girl, Princess Emily.

For the older guard, it was not supposed to make trouble again because of the villagers tonight. It was enough, no more troubles.

'Can that night pass without troubles, for once?'

Prince Noah was still angry because of their bad behavior during the camping.

Otherwise that BANG that distracted the prince made him leave the camp; he probably killed one of them tonight to be an example to others.

Whatever the seen looked like that right now:

There were no princes there because Leo and Noah were still in the forest.

Only the servants and guards control the camp, even though most of them already go to sleep.

The camp was had two entrances;

One of these entrances was in the forest where Oliver and Lily stand.

The other entrance was on the road to the palace, which was where the doctor was standing, the doctor who ran away from the assassin.

This is the worst camp princes could set up. Mess everywhere. Servants don't hear orders and with useless guards.

Villagers were coming up one by one and a killer was following someone.

If that camp had been in their kingdom, it would have been much better.

At least there was A Doctor who could help poor Lily?


The Doctor on the other side of the camp was engaged with another problem.

He didn't know yet that the assassin was going back to his own place. He just thought that when he got to the camp's entrance the assassin hid in the nearby bushes or something like that.

He still was arguing with the guards about entering the camp.

Although he was the King's doctor and should be treated as a Noble man, how come!

He smelled like beer/drink and his clothes were messy. He wasn't showing that he was a gentleman or Nobel man at all.

It's like being drunk.

That situation was embarrassing for him to beg the group of guards to protect him or bring him to the camp.

How could he prove to them that he was a doctor?

Whatever they didn't care if he was a doctor or not, if there was an assassin looking for him or not, all they cared about was that to protect the camp.

No body got in or got out,

At this point the young guard (that was bringing water to them) came to give them water.

"I swear I'm a doctor, let me prove it to you." the doctor said

"Get the fu*k out of here. Where do you think you are?" the guard said to the doctor.

This was where the little guard got into talking.

"Let him prove that, I doubt he's a liar and a con man," The guard said. He wanted to push them into a challenge.

"Let's have some fun," the young Guard said.

They looked to each other than smiled to each other

"how we can do that," one of them asked

Here the was a big great smile at the young king guard

There is a villager girl passed out at the other side of the camp," the young man said to his collie.

Than looked at the doctor in challenge

"Let we see if he can help," the young guard

At this point there was a sound of houses coming closer to them, maybe that newcomers would screw up their plans of having fun.