
it was him

All those thoughts in Yazma's mind may be right and the throw is wrong. No one can tell how hard those questions are.

She cound't find herself the size of the trouble she's in until she enters the Queen.

Maybe it was up to murder.

The Queen may ask for Yazim's execution. Maybe it did. Maybe a lot of things happen.

But in the end.

You won't know that now or here.

She'll know in the end but not now.

There's no place left here.

If she has to leave. You have to leave.

Standing in the aisle of the Queen's room would do her no good.

So she started moving to leave. She doesn't have a lot of places to go.

She's all those years in the palace with only authority over two rooms.

The Queen's room and her personal room.

She was kicked out of one of those rooms.

The second room is her own room.