
He Hugs Her From Back

Leo wasn't expecting this!

With every step he got close to the kitchen, he felt something was wrong!

He felt that was weird.

A group of servants, guards and maids were in front of the kitchen door spying and peeping on what was inside.

Before Leo got to the kitchen door by a few meters, he stood to see what was happening there.

Leo looked at the grasshopper on his shoulders.

"Looks like there's already a party," Leo said 

Although Leo wasn't wearing anything that could make him special and look like a prince.

Except he has the prestige and the shape of an important person.

When he approached the kitchen door. The servants allegedly turned up because they knew they were doing something wrong.

The Prince wasn't interested in them, but he was interested in what was happening inside.

When he got to the door and looked at what was going on inside, it was a surprise.