
Sleeping Together

Han Sofia POV,

"Oenni, I'll go now. Thanks for your help", I said to Youra

"Ne," she replied, waving

I closed our bedroom door and walked towards the elevator. Today is Muster's last day in Busan and tomorrow afternoon the members and the whole team will return to Seoul, except for me of course. Because tomorrow I have a day off so I decided to visit my grandmother who lives in this city.

When I arrived at the hotel lobby, I turned on my phone screen and opened a message from Lee Chunhee, my grandmother's personal assistant.

"I've arrived", he said, quite brief and clear

I saw in the distance a black Mercedes Benz was waiting in front of the hotel entrance. I jogged towards the car.

"Annyeong Sofia Ssi", Uncle Lee greeted as he exited the driver's side door

"Uncle Lee, annyeong!", I replied cheerfully. "Sorry for making you wait ...", I continued with a bow

"Gwaenchana, please come in", he answered while opening the passenger door

"Omo!", I said, startled when I looked into the car

"Come in, we've been waiting for you," came a low voice, almost lazy, from a man who was in the car

"What are you doing?", I asked, unable to hold back

"Your grandma invited him too, Sofia", Uncle Lee answered me

I sighed and got into the car sullenly.

"What's with your face? Did you just swallow something bitter?", Yoongi teased looking at me

"Why did you come? You're busy," I told him

"Your grandmother contacted me and asked me to come visit her. I couldn't refuse ...", he answered with a yawn

I didn't say anything, just sighed and leaned my back against the car seat.

"We're leaving now", Uncle Lee told us

"Ye", we replied at the same time

"I'm so tired, I'm going to sleep for a while," said Yoongi who kept yawning next to me

"You should rest tonight, yeobo. You can come visit grandma tomorrow morning", I said

"I can't let you visit your grandmother alone ... Grandma will definitely be wondering why we didn't come together, right?", he said, closing his eyes

"Grandma will definitely understand, yeobo. She knew about your work ...", I replied, glancing at him

"Huh? Ye ... maybe", he said vaguely

"Go to sleep", I said ending our conversation

He must have been very tired because only two hours ago Muster ended. I didn't think that he would come with me. Well, to be honest I didn't even tell him about my visit to my grandmother's house. I just told my grandmother about my arrival. But it turned out that grandma contacted Yoongi and invited him to come too.

I took a deep breath and turned my gaze to the window. "Huh?", I muttered when I felt something touch my shoulder.

I turned my face towards Yoongi and bit my lip. He fell asleep soundly and rested his head on my shoulder. I felt my heart beat faster.

He looked like a child. The skin on his face was smooth, his little button nose gleamed in the reflection of the light from the street lights. He folded his arms in front of his chest, and his peach-colored lips parted slightly. The smell of musk and vanilla wafted very strongly from his body.

I swallowed hard. I looked away from his face.

I act as normal as possible, even though the pounding in my chest says otherwise. I was silent the whole way, really didn't move the slightest fear that my sudden movement would wake him up.

"We've arrived," said Uncle Lee smiling from the front seat

"Ye, kamsahamnida", I replied

I patted Yoongi's hand gently, trying to wake him up. "Yeobo... get up. We've arrived. Yeobo ...".

"Mmhh", he muttered

"Let's get up...we've arrived", I repeated

"Huh? We arrived?", He said hoarsely but his eyes were still closed

Uncle Lee opened the car door for me, but I smiled at him and said, "Hold on, Uncle ...", while continuing to pat Yoongi's hand harder than before

"Of course ...", he replied half laughing and half smiling looking at us

"Aish! It hurts ... why did you hit me", replied Yoongi, whining looking at me, pouting

"We've arrived...", I repeated

"Ah, jinjja ...", he said, rubbing his eyes

I moved slowly and prepared to get out of the car.

"Jankanman (wait)", he said, holding my hand

"Huh?", I said surprised

"Wait a minute ...", then he rubbed his face with one hand while still holding my hand with the other

"Do I look really messy?", Yoongi asked while looking at me

I looked at his face and helped him straighten his hair that stood up in all directions.

"Ye, so messy", I said with a chuckle

But my laughter stopped when I felt him staring at me intensely. Our eyes met, I took my hand away from his hair.

"Ahem, your grandmother has been waiting, Sofia ssi", Uncle Lee said

"Ah, ye. Ye we are coming ..", I said as I let go of Yoongi's hand and got out of the car with lightning speed

I smoothed out my skirt and clothes while waiting for Yoongi to get out of the car.

"Mianhamnida (I'm sorry, in formal way)", I heard Yoongi apologize to Uncle Lee

"Gwaenchana, let's go in", he said as he asked us to follow him

My grandmother's house is big. This house is in Mediterranean style, with large windows and tall pillars that adorn almost every corner of the house's exterior. She has lived in this house since my grandmother married my grandfather, maybe 50 years ago.

I climbed the stairs and followed Uncle Lee into the entrance. There was a mumble of admiration from Yoongi's mouth, I could understand because I still often chuckle in admiration when I'm at my grandmother's house.

We walked into the large comfortable living room, where my grandmother was sitting waiting for us.

"Halmoeni ...", I called while smiling at her

Actually, my arrival this time was not as enthusiastic as my previous arrivals. I felt something in my heart since reading my mother's letter.

"Sofia~aah ... Yoongi~aah ... welcome", my grandmother greeted as she stood up and smiled kindly at us

I hugged her for a moment and shifted so Yoongi could greet her too.

"Halmoeni, long time no see. How are you? Thank you for inviting us," said Yoongi while hugging my grandma

"Long time no see, I'm fine. I'm glad you guys want to take the time to visit me here", she replied with sparkling eyes

"We have some events in Busan, so I guess we should have visited you Grandma ...", I said

"Sit down, you must be tired. Have you had dinner?", Asked my grandma

"Ye, grandma, thank you," replied Yoongi who is now sitting next to me

"I really miss you. I always pray that you are always healthy wherever you are", said grandma looking at us both

"Thank you, grandma ... don't worry, We can take care of ourselves", I replied smiling at her

"Actually I really wanted to chat with you but I have to postpone it until tomorrow because it's already late. Besides, you look so tired, so I guess we should just rest tonight", said my grandma again

"Ye, halmoeni", I answered while looking at the clock on my hand which showed 11 o'clock at night

"Chunhee~aah please take Sofia and Yoongi to their room", asked grandma to Uncle Lee

"Ye, madam. Sofia ssi, Yoongi ssi ... please follow me", said Uncle Lee inviting us to follow him up to the second floor

"See you tomorrow ... good night," I said, kissing my grandmother on the cheek

"Thank you Grandma, see you tomorrow", said Yoongi smiling at my grandmother

We climbed the wide stairs to the second floor where my room is located. When I stay here, I usually occupy the room at the end of the hall to the right. But this time uncle Lee asked us to turn left when we arrived on the second floor.

Maybe he'll take Yoongi to his room first, I thought. We walked on, past the library and my grandmother's room. Until finally we stopped in front of a large door beside the study room.

"This is your room, your grandmother asked us to prepare this room especially for you. Your belongings are already in. Breakfast tomorrow will be served at 8 am in the garden", said Uncle Lee, inviting us to enter the room

"Woah, isn't it too big?", Yoongi muttered as he entered the room

"I hope you can rest comfortably tonight", said uncle Lee

"Umm uncle... how about my room? Can I use my usual room?", I asked excitedly

"Huh?", Said Uncle Lee looking confused looking at me

"Aah, sorry. Looks like Sofia forgot that she came here with me ... I'm sorry", said Yoongi chuckled as he put his arm around my waist

"Haha arasso ... Sofia ssi, this is your room for tonight. You won't use your old room because it's been renovated into a hobby room. Instead, your grandmother has prepared this new room for you and your husband", explained Uncle Lee looking at us both

"WHAT?!", I said in shock, turning my face towards Yoongi who widened his eyes at me

"Is there a problem?", asked uncle Lee confused

"Ah, ani. I'm just surprised that my favorite room has switched functions... uh, that's all...", I said laughing awkwardly

"Okay, I'll excuse myself... have a good rest", said uncle Lee bowing to us

"Ye, you too, uncle", I said bowing to him

I quickly removed Yoongi's arms when he closed the door behind us. So we have to sleep together in this room? Oh my god I'm not ready for this, I thought.

"I slept on the bed and you can sleep in that chair, yeobo", I said while surveying the whole room

"Huh? Seriously? I don't want to, my body hurts because of Muster earlier, and I'm also tired. I want to sleep on this soft mattress ... aaahh very comfortable", he said as he lay down on the canopy bed

"Wow this room is amazing, Sobi. It's like being in a villa in Europe", he said again

Yes, Indeed this room is amazing. My previous room was also very good in my opinion, but this room is nicer and more comfortable. All the walls in this room are white, with high ceilings. A large chandelier hangs right in the middle of the room.

The entire floor is covered with soft fur carpets. And there is a king size canopy bed facing the fireplace.

Then there are two comfortable chairs right in front of the large window that directly faces the backyard. Meanwhile, the bathroom is right next to the entrance.

"Arasso ... you sleep on the left side and I on the right side. Never cross the middle line, ok?", I said looking at him

"Ye", he replied lazily

"I'll change my clothes", I said as I opened my suitcase and took out a pajama

Damn! I didn't bring long pajamas, during the tour I only brought short pajamas and even a sleeveless nightgown because I always roomed with women. I grabbed my light gray satin short pajamas and ran to the bathroom.

After changing pajamas , I saw Yoongi still motionless from where he was. He was still lying down, closing his eyes.

"Yeobo? Are you sleeping?? Yeobo? I want to sleep too", I said shaking his body slowly

"Huh?", He replied then opened his eyes slowly

"Change your clothes, then go to sleep", I said while patted the pillow I was going to use

"Ye ...", he replied in a deep voice then took his clothes and headed for the bathroom

I climbed into the bed and closed the canopy curtain on the side of my bed. Back when living in Birmingham, my mother had a bed like this, I always played and even took naps in her room, pretending like a princess sleeping in a royal castle.

I lifted my blanket up to my chin when Yoongi walked into the room. He wears a plain white short-sleeved shirt and gray sweatpants. He put his cell phone in the bedside table, turned off the light and got into bed.

"Ooh ... so comfortable ...", he muttered

"Good night, yeobo", I said, turning my back to him

"Mmhh", he mumbled, I felt the mattress shake a little when Yoongi moved to find a comfortable position

He is right, this mattress is very soft and comfortable. I think I'll fall asleep easily, I thought. I slowly closed my eyes, sinking into the comfort around me. Everything was perfect, the soft mattress, the soft blanket, the dim room and the smell of musk and vanilla that filled the room like an aroma therapy for me.

Mattress shook again. Then I felt a hand crept between the pillow and my head. I opened my eyes, surprised. Then the other hand slides under my blanket. Yoongi put his arms around my waist, hugged me from behind. I felt his body pressed tightly against my back.

I didn't move, too nervous for words. I felt his warm breath tickle the nape of my neck and behind my ears. I swallowed hard.

"Uh ....", I said while trying to get his hands off my waist

"Ssshhhh go to sleep Sobi ...", he whispered hoarsely

"But ...", I muttered

"Ssssshhhh ... don't move. Go to sleep, it's so comfortable like this ... you smell so good ...", he said in a low voice which gives goosebumps all over my body

My heart was beating so loud, I was afraid that Yoongi could hear it. Gosh, how can I sleep in this position?

Yoongi was breathing slowly and steadily. I think he's asleep, I thought. I turned my face towards him slowly, but instead he tightened his hug and buried his face in the curve of my neck. Aigo ... what should I do ?.

5 minutes ... 10 minutes passed. The sound of his breathing was like a lullaby to my ears. The warmth of his body created a new comfort for me. And slowly my eyes closed.


Min Yoongi POV,

The next day ...

* knock knock

There was a knock at the door, but I remained unmoved, still immersed in the warmth that enveloped me.

* knock knock

"Agashi (miss) ... it's already 7:30. Breakfast will be served at 8 o'clock. Please wake up, Agashi ...", a woman's voice was heard at the door

"Yeeeee", Sofia answered loudly

"Aish!", I covered my ears. "Ssshhh", I muttered, hugging the body in front of me

"Yeobo, let go...", Sofia said trying to get my hands off her waist

"Soon...", I muttered

"Get up or we'll be late ... Grandma doesn't like it when her meal time is late", she said, rolling over until her body was facing upwards

"Jinjja?", I asked lazily

I pressed my body against her side, and I put my head on her shoulder. I really like this ... she feels so warm and smells good.

"Yeobo, I want to wake up....", Sofia said again while pushing my arms around her body

"I don't want to", I answered hoarsely

"Gosh. How many times have you broken the agreement, yeobo", she said with a sigh

"What are you talking about?", I asked with my eyes still closed

"Jinjja? Have you forgotten? You can't touch me without my permission, right ... don't you remember? ", she said

I chuckled, "I thought our agreement was no longer valid".

"Huh?", she asked confused

"We've often touched, Sobi. We've held hands, I've carried you on the back, we've even kissed a few times", I replied smiling

"That… uh, that…", she stammered

"You like all those kisses, right?", I buried my face in the curve of her neck

"... not all of them ...", she replied softly

I opened my eyes ...

"I'm sorry for what happened in Brazil. I promise I'll never do that to you again, mianhae", I said quietly

"Ye ...", She replied

There was silence for a while, then I continued, "Don't leave me, Sofia. Please give me a chance".

"I did think of trying it again, giving our relationship a chance...", she said softly almost like a whisper

"Huh? Jinjja?", I asked, lifting my body by resting on the elbows

"Ye", she replied, biting her lip

"Thankyou", I replied smiling. "So you like me too, huh?", I asked, gazing into her big brown eyes

"Huh? Uumm me, I guess ... I ...", she muttered haltingly

"Ye, you really like me ...", I said chuckled

"Ani, I… I just…," she said distancing herself from me

"I know that you like me too... haha ​​kyeopta", I said chuckling looking at her face which was getting redder and redder

"Hey where are you going?", I said when I saw her get off the bed

"Take a shower, or we'll be late meeting grandma", she said walking to the bathroom

"Should we take a shower together?", I teased

"You pervert!", she shouted as she closed the bathroom door tightly

I burst into laughter on the bed. Aigooo she's so cute when she's shy, I thought. Well, I guess this is a new beginning for us, I smiled and started humming while reading the incoming messages on my cell phone.


Stay safe and always stay healthy,

Borahae 💜💜💜