
My Ruthless System

All his life Fang Yuan had always found it hard to sympathize others which made him an outcast but overtime he learned to fake it because it was the only way he could survive in life, but then he got a system one that finally made it so that he could get stronger by being ruthless... P.S. I won’t upload to much since I’m still in school and I’m not doing this professionally so it might not be that great.

IMoney · ファンタジー
24 Chs

Chapter 9: Scheme

Dexter thought about his next move carefully, most of the suspicion that the inspector had was destroyed so Dexter needed to think of what he should do next to get stronger.

The fastest way for him to get stronger was to trigger quests, So how was he supposed to trigger them...

Most of them were triggered because of a murder he was planning, and since

Dexter had forgotten to eat his fill the last time he killed someone he needed to kill someone in order to fill his stomach.

He decided this time he should aim for a girl because he could easily seduce them with his charm skill and his looks.

He could probably trigger a quest if it was a noble girl but it would take longer to plan.

Dexter decided he would aim for an insignificant commoner girl so that the inspectors wouldn't investigate her death.

He decided he would seduce Plum, a girl with mediocre looks.

Dexter walked down the hallway to his first class, Rune spells.

He knew that If this didn't work he would have to try and kill a noble girl which is a lot more inconvenient.

He knew that he had to get strong he was so sick of people standing in his way, there was nothing wrong with him why couldn't anyone understand, he was just smart.

Dexter decided he would initiate his plan, Plan: Incubus Part 3 to my path in World Domination...

In the hallway there was a boy strolling down the halls with a wicked grin, that boy was Dexter.