
My Pretense will Carry Me Through

Where am I? Why am I in a training suit? Why does the person in front of me look so intense? Why is there a floating screen in front of me? What the hell happened to me?

inverted · アニメ·コミックス
62 Chs

Chapter 41

In the eerie stillness of Jiyeh's surroundings, punctuated only by the distant echoes of gunshots, she pressed forward through the tunnel, unwavering. The weariness etched across her face bore witness to the exhaustive run she had endured. Almost within reach of the tunnel's exit, determination fueled her every step.

However, fate played a cruel hand as she stumbled along the way, momentarily impeding her escape. The tantalizing glow of the outside world beckoned at her fingertips. Rising from the pavement, she resumed her sprint, her visage now marred by the grime of the tunnel floor.

Emerging into the open, Jiyeh was met with the distant hum of approaching vehicles belonging to SW Corporation. The vans screeched to a halt, disgorging a heavily armed, fully armored team. Some encircled Jiyeh protectively, while others delved back into the tunnel.

The squad's Captain approached, inquiring about Jiyeh's well-being. Unimpressed, she unleashed a torrent of frustration, berating him for the tardiness that had cost lives, including those of her bodyguard and trusted subordinate. The Captain, wise enough not to provoke further, absorbed her scathing words in silence.

As the tension lingered, ambulances arrived on the scene. Paramedics, unaware of the Captain's dressing down, sought information about the injured within the tunnel. Casting wary glances at the berating session, they refrained from questioning the Captain, fearing a similar verbal onslaught from Jiyeh.

Within the dim confines of the tunnel, Joon lay sprawled on the cold floor, his breaths erratic and rapid. His body, drained by the significant loss of blood, teetered on the edge of consciousness, slipping between fleeting moments of awareness and the grasp of unconsciousness.

In the midst of this fragile state, Joon reflected on the recent encounter, a disconcerting internal dialogue unfolding. "Despite honing my combat skills, my body struggles to harness its full potential. My other attributes lag behind," he mused, acutely aware of the limitations hindering his prowess.

Turning his thoughts to marksmanship, Joon found a hint of amusement in his own shortcomings. Even with his less-than-stellar marksmanship, he had managed to land hits. It was a revelation that prompted him to seriously consider refining this aspect of his skill set.

Contemplating his current predicament, Joon pondered, "How can I gain a Pretense + in this situation?" He couldn't simply rise nonchalantly from the ground as if nothing had occurred. A devious smile crept across his face as he devised a plan, patiently awaiting the arrival of reinforcements that would offer him the opportune moment to stand tall once more.

As the wailing sirens pierced the air, Joon's gaze swiveled toward the tunnel entrance, revealing the arrival of SW reinforcements. A figure approached, pressing a gun against Joon's back upon noticing his eyes tracking their movements. Kneeling beside him, the individual inquired about Joon's well-being, to which he responded with a sidelong glance and a biting retort.

"Bitch, you think I'm okay when I'm on the brink of unconsciousness?" Despite his weakened state, Joon couldn't resist a sardonic quip. Recalling his plan to enhance his Pretense +, he feigned concern, asking in a feeble tone, "I'm fine. How about Ma'am? Is she safe?" Adopting the role of a dedicated bodyguard prioritizing her safety over his own, Joon's words resonated with an unexpected sincerity.

The SW Corporation personnel, moved by Joon's apparent selflessness and commitment to duty, exchanged glances. Joon's notifications chimed wildly, indicating a significant gain in Pretense +. Inwardly, he reveled in the success of his ruse, silently urging for more. "Yes, yes, give me more!" he exclaimed in his mind, craving additional increments of Pretense + to further his increase the chances of gaining Pretense Point.

"The Director has been secured; she's in safe hands," a SW Corporation personnel reassured Joon in response to his inquiry. A sigh of relief escaped Joon as he learned of Jiyeh's safety. The personnel, once again witnessing the subtle shifts in Joon's expression, couldn't help but be moved by the depth of his emotions. Joon's notifications continued to accumulate, the Pretense + reaching new heights.

Despite the elation for Jiyeh's well-being, Joon's concern shifted to his injured teammates, who were in dire need of medical attention. "Please prioritize my teammates; they need more help than I do." In reality, Joon concealed two gunshot wounds beneath his blood-soaked suit, shielded by a jacket that hid the extent of his injuries. The personnel, acknowledging the gravity of the situation, nodded and directed his team to attend to the wounded.

As more SW Corporation personnel flooded the area, the aftermath of the intense confrontation became glaringly evident. Bullet-riddled vehicles shattered windshields, and casualties—both from Joon's team and the mercenaries—painted a chaotic tableau. Methodically scanning the surroundings, they encountered bodies strewn across the floor, their conditions unknown in the growing shadows.

Once the personnel successfully secured the area, they relayed their report to the Captain stationed outside the tunnel, who was still on the receiving end of Jiyeh's scolding. Sensing the urgency, the Captain moved to the side, silencing Jiyeh. He swiftly instructed the medical personnel to enter, assuring them that the danger had been neutralized.

Responding promptly, the medical team rushed inside to attend to the wounded, with Joon being the first they reached. Despite his conscious state, Joon turned his head towards them, observing the nurses and doctors who knelt beside him. Recognizing their intent to assess his injuries, Joon intervened, "Treat my teammate first, please." Concealing his own wounds, aware of the risk of delaying his own treatment, Joon acknowledged the recklessness of his decision. However, driven by the urgency to accumulate Pretense Points, he took the gamble, unknowingly teetering on the edge between losing consciousness and the harsh reality of dying.

The medical personnel efficiently attended to Joon's teammates, ushering them into waiting ambulances that swiftly departed for the hospital. Observing each bodyguard being loaded into the vehicles, Jiyeh surveyed the ambulances, realizing there were fewer than expected. Taking command, she directed someone to urgently summon additional ambulances to address the shortfall.

As the limited ambulances lingered in the area, Jiyeh noticed Team 2's Leader being carefully transported on a stretcher. Hastening towards him, she inquired about his well-being. Despite being conscious, Team 2's Leader winced in pain from a gunshot wound. A sigh of relief escaped Jiyeh, but her concern quickly shifted as Team 2's Leader asked, "How about Joon? Is he okay?" Worried for Joon, who had valiantly faced the mercenaries solo, Jiyeh found herself contemplating his whereabouts and well-being.

Meanwhile, Joon remained on the ground, his breaths slowing as his eyes remained closed. Unbeknownst to Jiyeh, he lay in a state of quiet vulnerability, the urgency of his own situation unfolding in the hushed rhythm of his diminishing breath.