
My Pretense will Carry Me Through

Where am I? Why am I in a training suit? Why does the person in front of me look so intense? Why is there a floating screen in front of me? What the hell happened to me?

inverted · Anime & Comics
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62 Chs

Chapter 42

Joon's eyes closed as he braced for the unknown, his condition worsening with each passing moment. His face, now pallid, hinted at the severity of his situation. At last, a team of medical personnel arrived with a stretcher in tow. The doctor, urgency etched on his face, swiftly assessed Joon's condition, detecting weak pulses that threatened to fade away within minutes. With a sense of dread, he peeled open Joon's jacket, revealing a shocking scene—Joon lay in a pool of blood, miraculously conscious despite the gravity of his injuries.

The medical team sprang into action, their first task being to staunch the bleeding. Nurses expertly cut away Joon's clothes to expose the wound, working diligently to halt the hemorrhage. Despite their efforts, the loss of blood remained a critical concern. A nurse rushed back to the ambulance, returning with life-saving blood bags matched to Joon's blood type.

As they lifted Joon onto the stretcher, urgency hung in the air. Time was a relentless adversary, yet Joon's mind remained fixated on his mission—Pretense Point. Even in his precarious state, he managed to prioritize the larger picture over his own survival. Limbs rendered immobile, Joon communicated through strained words as they rushed him out of the tunnel.

Outside, a curious crowd had gathered. Stopped cars and blocked driveways attested to the gravity of the situation. SW personnel, vigilant in their efforts, directed the crowd to clear a path for the ambulance. Amidst the chaos, medical personnel attended to the fallen SW bodyguards and the remaining mercenaries, ferrying them to awaiting ambulances.

Jiyeh, nursing a knee injury from her earlier fall, paid no heed to her own discomfort. Her focus remained steadfast on the tunnel, awaiting Joon's emergence. The crowd, armed with smartphones, documented the unfolding events. A nurse approached with a blood bag in hand, attaching it to Joon's weakened form. While the immediate crisis was addressed, Joon's critical condition demanded ongoing support and medical intervention.

Emerging from the tunnel, the stretcher carried Joon into the open, revealing his blood-drenched body. Jiyeh, witnessing his condition, walked towards him with a mix of shock and concern. The situation was undeniably grim, and though Joon's eyes displayed vitality, his inability to move from below emphasized the urgent need for hospital care to avert a critical state.

Approaching Joon's side, Jiyeh sought updates from the nurses and doctors on his condition. The doctor's response was blunt, describing Joon's situation as dire. As Joon was being dragged on the stretcher, he noticed Jiyeh by his side, the ambulance close but surrounded by a curious crowd. Ambulances lined up, a stark reminder of the toll taken by the skirmish, with bodies, some shrouded in bags, awaiting transport. The crowd's gaze lingered on Jiyeh, curious about her connection to Joon, speculating on whether it went beyond a professional relationship.

Breaking the silence, Joon, perplexed by Jiyeh's intense stare, weakly asked if she was injured. To everyone's surprise, including the nearby doctor, Jiyeh responded, "I'm fine, thanks to you all," referring to her bodyguards taken to the hospital. The two locked eyes, the unspoken communication leaving the onlookers intrigued by the mysterious connection between them.

One of the medical team members who had initially attended to Joon inside the tunnel expressed visible surprise at his current state. Despite their close observation earlier revealing no visible blood, Joon was now drenched in it. The team's doctor quickly advanced toward Joon with a sense of urgency, catching the attention of the person in charge. Confusion colored his expression as he questioned, "What are you doing here? You know there are still people inside the tunnel who need assistance?"

Ignoring the inquiry, the doctor raised his voice, admonishing his colleague to prioritize efficiently. Undeterred, the doctor focused on Joon's condition, perplexed by the severity compared to their initial encounter. The person in charge, sensing the tension, questioned the doctor's motives, wondering if there was a delay in Joon's treatment. The doctor responded by pushing him aside to lift Joon into the ambulance.

A revelation unfolded as the person clarified that Joon insisted on prioritizing the treatment of his teammates over his own. Shock rippled through the doctor, Jiyeh, and the onlooking crowd. They stood in awe of Joon's self-sacrificing act, touched and moved by his dedication. Jiyeh, fueled by newfound knowledge, raised her voice, expressing her anger at Joon's decision to delay his own medical attention. Her face reflected a mix of pain and conflict as she grappled with the unexpected side of Joon. Lying on the stretcher, Joon gave her a side-eye response. "Girl, I'm bordering on death here. Save your words for later," he quipped. While keeping his thoughts to himself, Joon couldn't resist the lure of Pretense Points, putting on a reassuring smile for Jiyeh. Attempting to articulate the gravity of his actions, he added, "My teammates' lives are more precious than mine. If not for them, I would be dead by now. They're not just friends; they're family." These words triggered a barrage of notifications in Joon's mind, prompting him to check his current Pretense Points with satisfaction. With a gained point, he immediately invested in boosting his endurance. Making current statistics look like.

"Strength 7/10."

"Speed 6/10.

"Agility 7/10."

"Endurance 6/10."

"Flexibility 4/10."

"Combat Skill 8/10."

"Intelligence 5/10."

"Marksmanship 4/10."

"Stamina 7/10."

Though unable to stave off the inevitable, it could, at the very least, tilt the odds in favor of survival. Joon delicately shut his eyes, surrendering to the whims of fate, leaving his fate hanging in the balance. Jiyeh, taken aback, hadn't anticipated such heartfelt words from him. Meanwhile, panic gripped the doctors as Joon's vital signs rapidly plummeted. Swift and cautious, they transferred Joon onto the waiting ambulance, scrambling to stabilize his deteriorating condition.

Inside the speeding ambulance, the doctor orchestrated a controlled chaos, desperately searching for the necessary tools to save Joon. Nurses joined the fray, sealing the vehicle's doors firmly as it raced through the crowd, time slipping away. The blood bag dwindled, and the IVs struggled to keep up.

As the ambulance hurtled toward the hospital, Jiyeh stood alone, bewildered and unsure of what to do. The recent turmoil left her dazed. Reflecting on Joon's words, a wave of sympathy washed over her. Unbeknownst to her, a tear escaped, tracing a path down her cheek. Uncharacteristic for her, she let it fall to the ground, then gazed skyward, attempting to restrain her tears. However, the floodgates opened, and more tears cascaded down. She couldn't quite grasp her emotions, but for some inexplicable reason, she found herself tearing up.

Capturing the entire scene, the onlookers recorded Jiyeh's tears and caught snippets of Joon's poignant words. Soon, the crowd decided to share the poignant moment on social networks, ensuring that more people would bear witness. It was a testament to Jiyeh's emotional vulnerability and Joon's unwavering dedication, spreading their story far and wide.