
My Own Lucifer In The Multiverse

Hello readers, this is my first novel so I hope you like it. I'll try to see all the feedback I can from comments but I do have a daily 8 hour job so not always. I've read a ton of FanFics, and let me tell you this first, there will be NO memory wipes, main character killing, or random hardmode extra entities or anything trying to mess with the MC. Every world he goes to will be following cannon for the most part, weather he messes with anything is up to me (some gods already there might try to mess with him but that's later lol) I know people love systems but that will probably be my next FanFic because I have a few ideas for a new one but while I have this one in my head I want to write it down, but keep in mind this is really for my own entertainment. My main language is English so don't worry about grammar mistakes, I will proof read myself to make sure of that and edit as I see mistakes. If I forget something in one or more worlds please let me know and I'll try to fix it asap. Enjoy :) At least 1 chapter a day, maybe 2 if I'm feeling ambitious and probably 2-3 on weekends. I'll try to hit 2k words at the minimum as well for decently long chaps. Disclaimer: I own nothing except my own MC.

mrblood388 · 映画
43 Chs

Chapter 1: Finally Free!

My name is Ryan. My life has always been...empty might be a good word for it. I've lived a boring life, with a boring job, in a boring town, with a meaningless existence. I've always felt I wasn't meant for this world, even after trying to look for my own soul inside me I feel like it's distorted and...wrong. Every time I think I might find love when asking a woman out on a date, nothing ever comes of it and I have no motivation to keep pursuing her.

My family was the only dim light I had in my life. My parents divorced when I was 11, leaving me with a deep depression that didn't help my life at all. School was meaningless to me, like after about 9th-10th grade what's the point? It's not like someone will come up to me and say, "hey come help me with the Algebra." or some shit like that. Anyways, I have 4 brothers and they all have a few kids each so I have many nieces and nephews that I adore. I spoil them as much as possible not just for them, but to bring some happiness to myself when I see them smile and say, "Thanks uncle!", it melts my heart every time.

At the end of the day, every day, I look up and ask any existence out there to just take me away from this world and send me to where I belong. My soul feels distorted, as I said previously, and I feel my existence wasn't meant for earth, but a bigger and better world with magic, or alien races, or just a fantasy world where I can enjoy my time. But here on earth, there's that hollow feeling in my chest, along with no existence out there responding back to anything I say.

Soon it will be my 28th birthday and as always I feel nothing for it. The last birthday I had some fun at was my 21st since I got to do what I planned for a long time, take a shot with all 4 of my brothers and it was one of the best days of my life. Since then it has been work, eat, game/watch anime or movies, then sleep and repeat. I loved every series or movie I've ever watched. If I had to pick a few of my favorites from the movies, anime, and TV shows they would be, Dragon Ball (Z-GT-Super), Naruto, and Wise Man's Grandchild for anime. The only TV shows that stand out to me are Lucifer and Supernatural, but movies I'd say Twilight, MCU, DC, and Star Wars.

Lucifer Morningstar, my favorite fictional character by far. I've always had a fascination for angels but more specifically the archangels. There have been many FanFiction novels I've read about Lucifer in other worlds but there are always some beings that can snap anyone out of existence unless you have plot armor to save you. The Lucifer TV series was amazing to say the least, the only thing that felt off was him becoming mortal being near Chloe for a period of time. Many people try to make Lucifer with white hair and red eyes just like every other cliché MC but it's not always the hair that makes people cringe nowadays, it's always the red eyes. Personally my favorite color is green but that just doesn't fit on an ideal angel. What color best describes an angel? My first thought is a glowing gold like Jack from Supernatural, that mixed with the pure white hair and wings seems more divine in an overall observation.

So here I am, laying down looking up again about to call out to any existence just like the last thousand times, but my vision starts to dim. Slowly the sound around me starts to fade and eventually everything is silent. Like a flashbang going off in my line of sight, the surrounding area is pure white except for the table I'm currently sitting at with and empty chair across from me. In less than a few seconds to comprehend what has happened, a figure pops into existence on the chair. He looks like Deckard Cain from Diablo except not as wrinkly and not slouched.

"Hello little one, I see you have finally made it to my humble abode", ??? said almost scaring me a bit.

"I'm assuming you're a god of some sort and I'm dead, correct?" I asked him, eyeing him curiously seeing if I can discern what god this might be. Weather he's a RoB or the biblical God of my previous world.

"Hahaha, yes child I am indeed as you said, "a god of sort" and before you ask, yes you will be given a new life in another world because your soul was unstable in your previous life which I will fix for you before you move on from here and as cliché as this may be you can wish for anything within my power as a consolation for your misfortune." ??? said as he looked at the memories of this poor soul before him.

"I see, can you give me a moment to process this? its not every day you just die and meet a god." I'm a bit freaked out right now, I mean I could feel I wasn't meant for my old world but hearing it from a Godly being is on another level.

"Take all the time you need we have all of time left, hahaha" ??? said with a hearty chuckle as he kicked back in the chair with his feet up on the table.

'ok so, first things first. I'm finally free! My God, I feel so much better just being a soul that's at least stable since I'm not in that world anymore. The only thing I miss right now is my family but they will move on, all they needed from me was helping move things or mowing lawns with my a few of my brothers. Welp, hope no one see my browser history *sigh* oh well not like I can be embarrassed about it now. I hope they live happy lives even without me there to maybe add at least some semblance of joy to their lives even if I wasn't truly happy for 99.9% of my life. Now let's see how this reincarnation is going to happen, I hope I get to choose my world and maybe some powers.' Finishing my thoughts I lifted my head and too a deep breath. 'can souls take a breath?'

"ok, now that you have come to terms with your death, and future rebirth, do you have any questions for me?" ??? said lighting up a cigarette that he and I both know won't do any harm to him.

"I do actually, what and who are you if I may ask before the "wishes" part of this process? Also, why me?" Hoping he wasn't some low being that couldn't fulfill my request for my next life without some major limitations.

"very well child, behold my magnificence! I AM THE CREATOR OF ALL IN THE MULTIVERSE, I AM THE ONLY, ONE ABOVE ALL! And you are the only soul that I shall personally give a new start to since you peaked my interest in your short time as well as asking anyone in existence to leave that world because you knew is wasn't meant for you yet you still asked hundred or thousands, I lost track, of times without missing a day and that child is determination." OAA said releasing his divinity yet strangely didn't effect me much, just enough for me to wince for a brief moment.

"I had a feeling you would be him, hehe. So, am I limited on where I go or what powers and whatnot I can receive?" The feeling of uncertainty rising as I may have to go to a single less dangerous world that will not be as fun and entertaining as most.

"Hmhm, no there are no limitations for you since I am the one sending you on your way soon." OAA said with a light chuckle.

"Very well than, first I would like to be the Archangel, Lucifer Morningstar. But as your direct son, not the God of the bible since my power would be only second to yours in all of existence. This way I can protect my loved ones as well as not have to worry about some issues that come my way so I can enjoy my second life. Second, since I will be your son, I take it I will have all of the laws such as light, dark, fire, water, air, earth, lightning, souls, creation, life, death, space, time, etc. as I will be a God as well, so that would mean I can travel to different worlds across the multiverse of course if not, than that would be my second wish to be able to do that. Third, I would like to customize my body that way I don't have to go through being a baby again. And lastly, I would like to keep my memories of my past life, even though being a god I will be "Omni". Finally taking a moment to see OAA pondering my requests with an amused smile that turns to a genuinely happy smile on his face as he goes to speak.

"Becoming my direct son will take one condition but it will be done after that. Yes, you will have domain over all laws that exist like me, hehe, wouldn't be my son if you didn't right? as for traveling to different worlds, granted, originally I was going to send you to one of those anime worlds you loved so much but this way you can enjoy them all as well as arriving at specific times with the law of time. For customizing your body, I'll set up a viewing screen in front of you momentarily with full sliders which you loved in those RPG games, haha, and yes you will inhabit your body as it is finished so no being a baby a second time. Last, yes of course you will keep your memories." Finishing all of that, If I had a body I'd be smiling ear to ear but with a happy smile not a vicious grin, genuinely feeling happy for once.

"Two more things, if I may, can I customize my wings size and function? And can I have a direct line to call to you, should I have any questions?" I asked hoping these were possible.

"Yes you may customize your wings as you see fit, and all you have to do is ask me telepathically any questions you have in the future, I will answer them truthfully at any time." Now this is going be be amazing, I can see all of the different worlds trying to put me down now, only to spread my wings and look down on the haters in the future as they tremble and regret messing with me, hehehe.

As I look to my right I see a character creation screen with many sliders as well as a separate one for my wings. First off I will be at the age of 17 and stand at 6'6 and have a swimmers lean muscled body, you know, an 8-pack and stuff, it's like I'm literally sculped by my now father. Also got to make my little bro big right? who wouldn't, you know you would if you were in my shoes, hehe. I think 5 inches soft will be fine, should be around 9 hard, here I come ladies. Anyways my face will be soft yet angled having that mysterious yet handsome look to it. Then comes the hair and eyes. I've always wanted to do this, pure white hair just past my ears. Golden eyes, but as I flare up my power they glow ominously. Now for my wings menu, I'll have a 20ft wing span and as an added effect, they will change color based off of my emotions. Pure white is normal, happy will have a golden glow around them, red will be angry, and when I'm enraged they will become a bloody mist. I'll also be able to hide them and unfold them at will. Why not, when my wings come out I'll have a golden halo as well.

"All done? Alrighty, let's get this show on the road. Which world would you like to go to first as a home world of sorts?" OAA asked.

"Hmm, well I have a few narrowed down but before that. Can I change a few things of these worlds as I see fit for convenience purposes? Like adding in someone to that world or making someone else not be there that won't effect the cannon timeline too much?" I asked.

"As my son to be, you have full authority to change some things just don't mess up the worlds you visit too much as some may fall into despair if certain people die because of a change." OAA said much to my relief.

"Awesome, thank you father!" I said, now actually feeling my emotions better I see OAA as my real father.

"You're welcome my son." OAA said with a literally bright smile.

"Ok so now I would like to start in the world of Twilight, but I'd like Edythe to be there while still following the cannon if possible." I said.

"Of course my son, that is a simple task for me, haha. Now as for becoming my son in the first place you will have to sit and meditate for 1 billion years to acquire the divinity necessary to be second only to me, that was the condition I mentioned earlier. As I am Basically made of pure energy and only taking on an avatar form to speak with you, the energy you will be absorbing is essentially me in a sense, therefor gaining the same divinity as me becoming my son. Time in all the worlds will move normally but you can go back to either the start of cannon or at the end it, that's your choice but the 1 billion year will seem to go by as if taking a nice long nap." OAA said.

"Then I'll begin the process immediately, father." I said as I sat down, legs crossed and closing my senses off to everything except bringing the energy into my soul slowly but steadily.